Healthwatch Round Up - 7 November 2024

Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up is published every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.

Welcome to this week's Healthwatch Stockport Information Round-up (IRU). 

Please share our Round Up and encourage others to sign up. To receive the link, sign up here

To see what we're up to on a more regular basis and for info and advice, follow our social channels:  FacebookInstagramLinkedin, Twitter,

To promote your work, event or share any information, please fill in the form here or email directly.

Share Your Experiences of Health & Care Services

If you use GPs, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, community or care services, we (Healthwatch Stockport) want to hear your experiences - good, bad or in-between to help to improve the quality of care for us all. At the moment, we're particularly keen to gather your feedback around the following areas:

Your Experience of Local Eye Care Services: Are you happy with the eye care you’re receiving – what's working well and what do you think could be improved? All feedback will help us to recommend improvements to commissioners and eye care providers and services. 

Hospital Appointment Systems:  Tell us your experiences of the hospital booking systems and how information about your appointments is provided to you. 

You can contact us by:

Feedback centre (on our website)

0161 974 0753 or text 078710 89100 (text service only)

Have Your Say: GP Care For Trans & Non-Binary

Details from Healthwatch England

Could you help us learn more about trans and non-binary people’s experiences of GP care?

Everyone should have care that meets their needs. But research into trans and non-binary people’s care experiences, while limited, shows they often face challenges when navigating both gender-affirming and other care. Healthwatch England are running a survey to better understand these challenges and how to tackle them. Share your experiences of GP care, good or bad, with the Healthwatch team. 

Complete the survey here

Healthwatch Articles & Advice You May Have Missed

Please see the latest news, advice and support from us and Healthwatch England. 

What is SAD, and how can you manage it?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression triggered by seasonal changes. One in twenty people in the UK are diagnosed with the condition, with men more likely to be diagnosed with SAD than women.

Read the article here

NHS referrals and your right to choose

If you use the NHS, in most cases, you have the right to choose the hospital where you get the care you need. Few people exercise this right – but if you do, you could cut down on how long you wait for care. In this article, we'll help you understand your rights when choosing a healthcare provider "at the point of referral" so you can make informed choices about your NHS care. 

Read the article here 

Our response to the State of Care report

Read Healthwatch England's response to the Care Quality Commission's assessment of the state of health and social care in England.

Read the article here

Change NHS: Have You Shared Your Feedback?

Details from Healthwatch England and NHS

Everyone in England is invited to share their views on how NHS services can be made better – so, Stockport, have your say! This feedback campaign has been described as the “biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS.” 

To share your experiences, views and ideas visit The website will be live until early next year, and via the NHS App. If you’re sharing feedback as a representative of an organisation, the NHS has asked you to complete the organisation questionnaire. 

Have your say

Reminder: Stockport NHS Fit for the Future - Last Event Places Available! 

Details from NHS Greater Manchester & Healthwatch Stockport

In addition to the national NHS consultation above, the NHS in Greater Manchester (GM) is running a GM-wide consultation. Healthwatch Stockport is supporting NHS colleagues in Stockport to host a public listening event at the Guildhall on 19 November 2024, 1pm – 3.45pm. 

The event is open to the public and health professionals alike. Places are now very limited so book your place on our Eventbrite page asap to avoid disappointment. A waiting list is available. 

NHS Greater Manchester (Stockport Locality) is keen to hear from people living and working in the borough.  They want to know what you feel is working well and what could change to improve both your experience of receiving care and improving your health, whilst increasing awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by the Stockport health and care system. At this event you'll also hear from system leaders, have an opportunity to share your views and ask questions.

AI Tech Will Help Doctors Detect Lung Cancer Sooner

Details from NHS Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance

Hospitals in Greater Manchester are to begin using new AI (artificial intelligence) powered technology which can detect up to 124 findings on chest radiographs, helping healthcare professionals locate diseases, including lung cancer, quicker.

The new tech will be rolled out at seven NHS Trusts over the next few months as part of a partnership between Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance, Greater Manchester Imaging Network and global health tech firm, The technology has gone live at Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Manchester NHS Foundation Trust and at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust so far.

The need to detect cancer sooner is particularly urgent in Greater Manchester, where lung cancer rates sit at 24% above the national average and life expectancy lower than in England as a whole.

Read the full article here

November is actually Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Find out more about the signs and symptoms, including prevention on NHS website and via MacMillan Cancer Support website. 

Stepping Hill Hospital in Top 3 of UK’s Safest For Abdominal Surgery

Details from One Stockport

A new report shows Stepping Hill Hospital is one of the safest in the country for emergency abdominal surgery.

The ninth annual National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) report has been published nationally which looks independently at the outcomes from major emergency abdominal surgery for every hospital in the country. It shows Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the hospital, as being in the top three acute trusts in the country, and the top in Greater Manchester, in terms of survival rates for emergency laparotomies during the year 2022/23.

Read the article

Kings Fund Praises Greater Manchester's Work on Healthcare

Details from NHS Greater Manchester

In a new report – the King’s Fund has praised Greater Manchester (GM) for its work on population health and the improvements it has made. Calling GM “the poster child for devolution” in England, it recognises the time, effort and resources in place to help people to live good lives, improve wellbeing and prevent illness.

During the review, the Kings Fund undertook three detailed case studies in three areas in GM (Bury, Stockport, Manchester) to understand how a health system is understood and translated into practice at a more local level. 

Read the report here 

New Act FAST Campaign

Details from NHS England

NHS England has launched the latest ‘Act FAST’ campaign to further increase awareness of the signs of a stroke and remind people to dial 999 at the first sign.

A stroke strikes every 5 minutes in the UK. There are around 38,000 stroke-related deaths every year and it’s a leading cause of disability.  The campaign urges people to Act FAST on any sign of a stroke as every minute is vital, to give patients quicker access to specialist treatment that could save their life and reduce the long-term effects.

Stroke symptoms can be less dramatic, painful or obvious than might be expected.  But even if doesn’t seem like much, at the first sign of a stroke call 999.

Video file

Have Your Say: Severe Mental Health Experiences

Details from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

The Stockport Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee is carrying out a review to explore the opportunities and challenges experienced by people with severe mental health conditions.

Living with severe mental health conditions can be hugely challenging, but also shows remarkable strength and resilience. Their goal is to help various services in Stockport, not just health services, learn from these experiences and contribute to an action plan to better support those facing mental health challenges.

If you or someone you care for has been diagnosed with a severe mental health condition (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, personality disorder, or major depression), please complete the questionnaire, it takes approx. 15 minutes. 

Start the questionnaire here 

The questions cover different aspects of life that can impact health and wellbeing. You can choose which questions to answer and skip any that don’t apply/ those you don’t wish to answer. 

Have Your Say: Youth ADHD Services

Details from NHS Greater Manchester

NHS Greater Manchester is continuing to gather views on children and young people’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) services in Greater Manchester. 

The aims are to address some issues including long wait times, levels of ongoing support, the referral and assessment process, and how services vary across Greater Manchester. 

Firstly, they'd like to find out what matters most to those who use these services, their carers and/or families. They're also keen to hear from those working in services that support children with ADHD.

Reminder: Stockport to ‘Get Winter Strong’ 

Details from Stockport Council

Eligible Stockport residents are being urged to keep Winter bugs away and ‘Get Winter Strong’ by having their vaccinations as soon as possible. Vaccines give the most effective protection against common viruses that can cause serious illness for those at higher risk.

In Stockport, this year’s vaccination programme is underway, including for protection against Flu, Covid and the Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

Flu vaccines: Those eligible for the free NHS flu vaccine include:

  • All children aged 2 or 3 years
  • Primary school and secondary school aged children
  • People aged 65+
  • People aged 18 to under 65 in a clinical risk group
  • People living in a care home
  • Carers for an older or disabled person or those that receive carer’s allowance
  • Those who live with someone with a weakened immune system.

If you're eligible for an NHS flu vaccine, you can get your vaccine from your GP surgery or a pharmacy that offers NHS flu vaccination (if aged 18 or over). Pharmacy appointments can be booked online:

Protect against Covid: 

Adults aged 65+ with long term health conditions and those who are pregnant are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID also. To book a COVID vaccine: 

119 (ask for a translator if needed)

To find a walk-in COVID vaccine clinic: 

Get both your Flu and Covid vaccines: This year there is the option of booking a combined appointment to have both the Flu and the Covid vaccines at the same time. 

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine: 

The RSV vaccine is new for this year. This virus causes coughs and colds and can be dangerous for older people and young babies. That’s why this vaccine is recommended for adults aged 75-79 and those who are pregnant (from 28 weeks) to protect the baby for the first few months of its life.  GP practices and maternity services are providing the RSV vaccine.

Pop-up vaccine centres:

8, 15, 22 & 29 November

8am – 1pm - Quba Masjid M19 2QD

2pm – 7pm - Cheadle Mosque, SK8 3NP

14, 21* 28 November: 

8am – 1pm - Merseyway, Mersey Square

2pm – 7pm - Aldi, Stockport Road, SK3 0LX (*not on 21 November)

21 November: 

2pm – 7pm - Lidl, Councillor Lane, SK8 5DU

In Stockport, for more information on staying healthy:

Further information is available at:

Boost Your Vitamin D

Details from NHS Greater Manchester

Government advice is that you should consider taking vitamin D supplements over the Winter months. This is because the sun is not strong enough for the body to make it. If you lack in vitamin D you could experience symptoms like fatigue, bone pain, muscle weakness and mood changes.

Vitamin D is important to keep your bones, teeth and muscles healthy. You can also make sure you get enough of this by including vitamin D rich foods in your diet.

Read the NHS Advice here

Reminder to Have Your Say: Diabetic Eye Screening

Details from NHS England

People with Diabetes are invited to have specialist eye tests as they're at risk of developing a condition called diabetic retinopathy. Specialist eye tests can detect changes before symptoms begin and early treatment can be provided. This can reduce the risk of people losing their sight. 

NHS England wants to know how this Diabetic eye screening is working in Greater Manchester.

  • If you have diabetes and went for an eye test – share how it went
  • If you were invited but did not go for an eye test – share why and what could encourage you to attend in future.

Complete the survey

If you have any queries about taking part, email: 

Service Overview: Stockport Local

Details from Stockport Family Hubs

Stockport Local have created the online directory, which provides details of statutory services, local and national organisations and community groups in Stockport. 

You can search the entire One Stockport Local directory, which includes six different subcategories:

  • Support for adults
  • Children and families
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Communities
  • Financial support

You can also find the individual directories on the Support for AdultsFamily HubsSEND Local Offer, and Communities web pages. To find out more, visit One Stockport Family Hubs 

Service Overview: Home Library Service

Details from Home Library Service

The Home Library Service is a free delivery service for elderly, housebound people who have difficulty due to ill health or have caring commitments. Maybe it's a service that would help you or someone you know during the Winter months?

The service provides ordinary and large print books as well as audio books and DVDs. These are chosen by the Home Library Service following their quick joining process ( 5-10 minutes). The joining process entails providing your contact details and a chat about the kinds of things you like to read, watch, listen to. 

Items (1-10 books etc) are delivered to your door every three weeks by their drivers (employees of Stockport Council Libraries). Three weeks later they return with a new box and swap them over. There are no fines and if you haven’t finished a title, you keep the book until next time. 

They also produce new book lists and a quarterly newsletter about the service on joining.

There's more....

  • The Home Library Service are also pioneering an initiative of visiting the more vulnerable and lonely for a cup of tea, biscuit and a chat, which has proved extremely popular.
  • In addition to all of this they also work in partnership with many groups within the Stockport area including the Veterans Society, Age UK, Stockport County and Signpost For Carers.

If you'd like to join the service or know of someone who would, contact them by:

0161 474 5600

MHLS, New Phoenix House, Beech Avenue, Hazel Grove, SK7 4QP

Stockport's Refugee Asylum Consortium

Details from Stockport Race Equality Partnership

Stockport Race Equality Partnership (S-REP) will lead the consortium supported by Refugee Action, MRSN, and Sector3, Heaton Norris Community Centre, Yaran, Loaves and Fishes and Culture Bridge. 

The aim of the consortium is to develop a new network to support refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants in Stockport, whilst also offering culturally appropriate services to those who need it. If you're interested in knowing more about these services, their first meeting is on 19 November.

Remembrance Events Across Stockport

Details from Stockport Council

Commemorative services and events will be taking place across the borough for Remembrance Sunday, 10 November, and Armistice Day, Monday 11 November. The Mayor of Stockport will lead the borough in paying respects at Stockport's War Memorial and Art Gallery.

Remembrance Sunday: At precisely 11am, there'll be a two minute silence, beginning with the Last Post and ending with the Reveille. Following prayers, hymns and reflections, wreaths will be laid on the steps of the War Memorial. The gallery will be open from 9.30am on Sunday 10 November, for people to pay their respects.

Armistice Day: Residents are welcome to attend and observe a two minute silence on Armistice Day, Monday 11 November, at 11am. To mark the beginning and end of the silence, maroon rockets will be launched from the civic complex. The sound should be heard from up to two miles away, and residents and shoppers should not be alarmed. The gallery will be open from 10am - 12pm on 11 November, for people to pay their respects.

Further information is available here

List of full events available here

Greater Manchester Foster Care Fortnight

Details from One Stockport

This week has seen the start of the Greater Manchester Foster Care Fortnight. Stockport has joined the rest of the region to raise awareness of the vital support our foster carers give to our children and young people and to thank them for the brilliant role they play in their lives.

Taking place from 4 - 17 November, the fortnight aims to encourage residents to foster with their local council. The Foster for Greater Manchester campaign will focus on debunking most common misconceptions through events and via their social channels. You can also find out more about starting your fostering journey and how to become part of Stockport’s fostering community. The following events are happening in Stockport:

13 November, Fostering drop in session, Stockport Town Hall, 12pm - 1pm

13 November, Fostering and supported lodgings information sharing event, Stockport Town Hall, 6pm - 7pm

15 November, Fostering information drop in, Merseyway Shopping Centre, 11am - 2pm

11 December, Fostering and supported lodgings information sharing event, Stockport Town Hall, 6pm - 7pm

Follow the campaign on FacebookX and Instagram or their website or call 0300 303 0321.

Transgender Day of Remembrance Event 2024

Details from Stockport LGBTQ+ Network 

Join the Stockport LGBTQ+ Network for their 2024 Transgender Day of Remembrance event. The event will be dedicated to honouring and remembering those Transgender people who lost their lives to violence over the past year, followed by a celebration of Transgender culture.

20 November, gathering 7pm, starts 7:30 pm

Disability Stockport, 23 High Street

Book a free ticket here

SPARC's 40th Anniversary Celebrations

Details from SPARC (Stockport Progress And Recovery Centre)

SPARC will be hosting an event to celebrate our 40th Anniversary. All of their members; friends and family and supporters are invited to their 1984 themed party:

 21 November, 3pm - 6pm. 

There will be music, memories, refreshments, raffle tickets and crafts to purchase (cash only), and more. If possible, please use public transport, walk or cycle to the event as parking is limited. Alternatively, there's a public car park on Meyer Street (a short walk away). 


Scope Drop-Ins at Stockport Central Library

Details from Scope

Members of the Scope charity will be holding drop in sessions at Stockport Central Library on Friday afternoons. They will be on hand to help you with advice, information and will be raising more awareness of their services. 

Scope work to create an equal future with disabled people, by campaigning to transform attitudes to disability, tackle injustice and inspire action. they also create opportunities and provide information and support that empowers those they support. 

Fridays 1.30pm /2.00pm until 4.00pm 

Stockport Central Library

Coffee & Connect Sessions at the Family Hubs

Details from Stockport Council

Are you a parent or carer of a neurodivergent child or young person? Or are you a parent or carer of a child with SEND looking for information or advice?

The Family Hubs are holding Coffee & Connect Sessions for you to have a chat to their multi-disciplinary team (representatives from Educational Psychology, Primary Jigsaw, Secondary Jigsaw, Neurodevelopmental Team and Children’s Therapy). Refreshments will be provided.

Thursday 21 November 10am-12pm Brinnington Family Hub

Wednesday 11 December 10am-12pm Reddish Family Hub

No formal diagnosis required. For further information, contact:

Get Involved: Talk Money Week Event

Details from Stockport Council

Talk Money Week 2024 is an annual campaign that encourages open conversations about personal finance, money management, and financial well-being. Stockport Council are running a Talk Money Week drop-in to offer free tips and advice. This includes how to save money on your water bills, social tariffs, affordable tech to help you get online, and more. 

7 November, 10am - 12pm

Olive Branch, 2c Castle Street, Edgeley

Get Involved: Scam Awareness Session

Details from Stockport Council

To arm you with the right information and raise awareness to protect you against scams, the Brinnington Knit and Natter group are inviting residents to a scam awareness session with the GMP scam awareness team. Knitting needles are not essential. No booking required. 

For more information email

Monday 11 November, 10am-11.30am

The Lighthouse Centre, SK5 8LS

Get Involved: Winter Wellbeing Wednesdays

As the year starts to draw to an end, the Public Health team, Stockport, are offering residents in and around Lancashire Hill an opportunity to find out more regarding support services through their Weekly Wellbeing Sessions. 

Winter Wellbeing Wednesdays will run from 27 November to 18 December, 11am – 1pm.  

Further Events & Community Activities across the Borough

Armed forces community hub
Expression dance class
Grief cafe in Bredbury
Transgender day of remembrance
ADHD Cooperative

Job Opportunity: Signpost For Carers

Details from Signpost For Carers

Signpost for Carers are now recruiting for passionate and dynamic Chief Executive who will consolidate the recent success of the organisation. 

As Chief Executive of Signpost you will lead a dedicated team who provide pivotal services to carers in Stockport helping to support them in living healthier more fulfilled lives. You will be providing strategic oversight of contractual services for the Local Authority and responsible for developing and undertaking specific projects which are funded by a number of partners. 

Working closely with the Board of Trustees, you will be the figurehead of the organisation ensuring maintenance of its day to day functions, including the management of a community building, while working tenaciously to grow in order to improve the lives of more carers across communities in Stockport.

Please see the attached job advert and application pack for full details. 

About Signpost

Signpost Stockport for Carers provides a wide range of practical and emotional support to those with an unpaid caring responsibility in Stockport. We have a varied offer for carers of all ages, starting with our young carers at six years old. We also manage a vibrant community building in Heaton Moor.

A BIG thank you to Julia, from Maria Kildunne and our Healthwatch team! 

Signpost's current Chief Executive, Julia Hewer, has played a key role in developing services and partnerships, and enhancing the Carer's offer across Stockport. Julia, you have been a good friend throughout the years and a huge support personally, and to our Healthwatch Stockport Family and I will miss you very much! As you move on to new opportunities, we wish you all the best for the future and thanks for being an incredible individual.  

Chief Executive Application pack

Job Opportunities: Fikawelie CIC

Details from Fikawelie Caribbean and African Mental Health CIC

Fikawelie, one of Manchester’s newest Mental Healthcare providers offers care for the African, Caribbean and South Asian communities across Greater Manchester. They are recruiting for two roles, as follows:

Community Mental Health Nurse 

  • Location: Stockport 
  • Salary/Rate: £15 - £19 per hour
  • Contract: Part-Time (2 days per week), 12 months, with a view to extend to 24 
  • Start: November 2024 (Training and community integration to commence immediately)

 Clinical Hub Manager 

  • Location: Stockport 
  • Salary/Rate: £23 - £27 per hour
  • Contract: Part-Time (2 days per week), 12 months, with a view to extend to 24 
  • Start: November 2024 (Training and community integration to commence immediately)

Fikawelie Caribbean and African Mental Health CIC delivers culturally tailored medicine support services for individuals experiencing Severe Mental Illness (SMI). With funding from the Culturally Appropriate Fund, our services are specifically designed to address the cultural and social needs of Caribbean, African, and South Asian communities. 

See the attached for full details of each role.

Clinical Hub Lead
Community Mental Health Nurse

Mental Wellbeing Online Course - Healthy Minds

Details from Sector 3

The Royal Society for Public Health and Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership have developed a new mental health and wellbeing online course for anyone working / living in Greater Manchester. 

This one-hour course encourages us all to take a proactive approach to caring for our mental health and wellbeing through simple steps that are proven to work.

Training Courses Coming Up

There are a variety of training courses including those from from Skills For Life (SFL) and others. Please see the attachments below: 

Skills for life - Christmas arts and crafts
Skills for life - Christmas hampers
Skills for life - Christmas makeover
Money guidance training

Information and Signposting    

For up to date health and social care information, signposting and guidance call Healthwatch Stockport on 

0161 974 0753 10am - 2pm or email 

Visit our Information and Signposting directory 

 Do you have a health or social care experience you want to share – how did your last appointment with your GP or dentist go? Are you happy or frustrated with the service you received – let us know so we can work with local services to influence better commissioners and better outcomes for you and your family. 

Share your views