Seasons Greetings from Healthwatch Stockport

Healthwatch Stockport's Christmas Message and useful contacts for over the festive period.

Wishing you a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year! 

After a very busy year at Healthwatch Stockport, our team are looking forward to the festive break and use it as a chance to recharge our batteries ready for a great start to 2025!

We simply can’t thank everyone enough who has been a part of our Healthwatch Stockport journey this year - our fantastic members, supporters, Advisory group, and those we’ve had the joy to work alongside to improve care for us all. Your involvement and continuous support, big or small, have all made a significant contribution and continue to be the reason for all our achievements.

Looking ahead, there are plenty of opportunities to support and get involved with Healthwatch Stockport, and in the New Year, we'll share more details. Whether you would like to become a volunteer member or know someone who does, then do get in touch for more details.

We hope that you have a joyful and restful festive break and a happy New Year.

From the Healthwatch Stockport Team

Healthwatch Stockport Festive Opening Hours

The Healthwatch Stockport office will be closed to the public from on Friday 20 December until Monday 6 January 2025.

We will continue to monitor our inbox and voicemail intermittently during this time in case urgent support is required.

'What to Know This Winter' Booklet

We've pulled together a booklet sharing tips, advice and important information to help you and your loved ones through the Winter months. 

This handy booklet is available digitally to download and share, or in a printed version. Many hard copies have also already been distributed to libraries, pharmacies, and local community venues and businesses across Stockport. To ask for a copy, contact the team:

View our Winter booklet.

Follow Our Winter Social Posts

We'll be sharing Winter advice posts on our social media so give us a ‘follow’, ‘like’ and ‘share’ our posts. We’re on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X (formally Twitter).  This helps to spread the word about local health and social care and how we, Healthwatch Stockport, can help you.

Issue 6 of our 'INFORM' Newsletter is Available!  

We've published Issue 6 of our 'Inform' newsletter - the Winter of 2024 edition! 

This issue features the Making it Real Conference and NHS Fit for the Future events, our work around eye care, experiences of Children's and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and much more. We too share how we're further involving our community along with some festive additions and annual highlights. 

Enjoy a read at your leisure and please share the link with colleagues, family and friends! 

The newsletter is also available on paper format (please email to request a copy at

Click to read Inform

Be on Elfwatch for a Chance to Win a Gift Card!

Forget your regular Elf on the Shelf, we’re running our own Elfwatch competition and one lucky winner from Stockport will receive a £25 gift card!

All you have to do is tell us which Stockport locations our cheeky ‘Hatter’ the Elf is visiting. Why not enjoy your-elf and get involved in the competition on Instagram or Facebook?!

All correct guesses will go into a draw to win. We’ll announce our winner in January. 

NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Pharmacy Opening Hours Update

Pharmacy opening hours for the festive bank holidays in Stockport.

Christmas Day – 25 December 2024

  • 10am - 2pm: Medichem pharmacy, 34-35 Woodley Precinct, SK6 1RJ
  • 4pm - 8pm: Heald Green Pharmacy, SK8 3QA
  • 10am - 2pm: Offerton Pharmacy, 513 Hempshaw Lane, SK2 5TP
  • 2pm - 6pm: Bredbury Pharmacy, 238-240 Stockport Road West, SK6 2AN

Please note: Boots in the Merseyway and the Asda Pharmacies are closed

Boxing Day – 26 December 2024

  • 10am - 4pm: Asda Pharmacy, Warren Street, SK1 1UA
  • 10am - 6pm: Heald Green Pharmacy, SK8 3QA
  • 10am - 2pm: Offerton Pharmacy, 513 Hempshaw Lane, SK2 5TP
  • 2pm - 6pm: Bredbury Pharmacy, 238-240 Stockport Road West, SK6 2AN

Please note: Boots in the Merseyway is closed

New Year’s Day – 1 January 2025

  • 10am - 4pm: Asda Pharmacy, Warren Street, SK1 1UA
  • 10am - 6pm: Heald Green Pharmacy, SK8 3QA

Please note: Boots in the Merseyway is closed

Other pharmacies may be open but hadn't notified. The the most up-to-date information is on the Greater Manchester Community Pharmacy website.

Think Pharmacy First

Visiting a pharmacy makes it easier for you to get the healthcare you need. Their team is ready to help with different health issues and can suggest medications that might work for you. Sometimes, they can even provide treatment and prescriptions for certain conditions without you needing to see a doctor first. Visit:

Warm Spaces Across Stockport

Warm spaces, available across the borough, will remain open throughout the Winter and offer free wifi, hot meals and drinks. They also function as central hubs, providing information and guidance to signpost residents to further support. All of Stockport’s libraries act as warm spaces too.

Find a full list and view our warm spaces on Stockport Council's interactive map.

The council and its partners have put in place a wide range of initiatives to help residents stay warm and well through the winter, including cost of living support.

Mental Health Support Over Christmas

The holiday season can be a particularly challenging time for many. Here's a reminder of the free help available for anyone in Stockport, who is feeling worried, stressed, or low:

Open Door’s confidential helpline run by trained staff (for ages 18+): 0800 138 7276. Drop in will be open as normal: Monday to Friday 10am to 10:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 12pm to 5pm, at 72 to 74 Prince’s Street, SK1 1RJ

Kooth (for ages 10 to 25) and Qwell(for ages 26 and up), offering anonymous support

Pennine Care’s mental health helpline is a 24/7 helpline to support people of all ages and run by NHS staff: 0800 014 9995

The Samaritans helpline (for all ages): 116 123

Hopeline (ages 0-35): A helpline for young people having thoughts of suicide. Available for anyone under 35 or anyone who might be concerned for a young person. 0800 068 4141. Opening times: 9am-midnight every day.

NHS 111: People of all ages, including children, in crisis or concerned family and loved ones can now call 111, select the mental health option and speak to a trained mental health professional. NHS staff can guide callers with next steps such as face-to-face community support or facilitating access to services (e.g. crisis cafés or safe havens).

Stockport’s Christmas Provisions This Year 

Please see the attached documents with some helpful numbers and support over the festive period. These include financial and family advice, domestic abuse support, foodbanks, emergency numbers and so much more. 

The 'Primary Care: Get to know where to go' booklet tells people all they need to know about primary care services – including new features of the NHS app, Pharmacy First offer, prescription costs and urgent dental and eyecare services. An online version is on the NHS GM website.

North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) have published a Winter booklet to share useful service information, including when to call 999. You can find the Winter booklet online

Emergency numbers and helplines
Support helplines
Local foodbanks

Get Involved: Stockport Charities Seek Support, Donations and Gifts

Christmas is an exciting time for many and traditionally a time for giving. But not everyone is fortunate and now. There are many community groups in Stockport who are looking for help and these are some of the ways you can help. 

To find out how you can get involved visit the One Stockport website

Healthy Heart Checks

Free Healthy Heart Checks are available to all workplaces in Stockport. Stockport Council's team can attend your workplace and provide employees (aged 25 - 84 years) a 15-minute heart health check, including a blood pressure test, and offer advice and information on how to be healthier.

Available October 2024 to March 2025

For more information and to book a session for your workplace, email