IRU - Monday 27th March 2023
Welcome to this week's Information Round-up
We hope you are keeping well, as March is coming to a close - we have been busy at Healthwatch this week even taking part in Walthew House's Bowling competition. You can see the Healthwatch Stockport team at the event above!
Next week we turn 10 so if you are free, please drop by!
You may have missed these recent articles that we have published since the start of the year.
If you want to receive the IRU link weekly you can sign up here and you will receive an email every week with the link as soon as it is public.
Healthwatch Stockport Briefing Session: Finance (Integrated Health & Care System)
This session, is Monday 3rd April 2023, 12:00pm till 1:30pm. It will be online via Teams.
This briefing session will be about Finance in Integrated health and care system.
In attendance will be Michael Cullen, Deputy Chief Executive - Stockport Council and Stockport Integrated Care System - Locality Finance Lead. Michael will be able to provide an overview of Stockport’s financial situation in terms of the integrated health and care system and answer questions from members.
Please let us know if you wish to attend by replying to this email and you will be sent a link on Monday prior to the event. Or you can book online clicking here.
About- briefing sessions are online sessions where we invite other organisations to talk about their priorities and if there is anyway Healthwatch can get involved with their work. The sessions are for anyone who is interested in Health and Care in Stockport.
We turn 10!
Come and join us for a day of celebration at the Land O' Cakes and once we can say 'there shall be cake!'
On Wednesday 5th April, drop in between 10:30am and 1:00pm.
Healthwatch Stockport along with the other 152 Local Healthwatch across England will be turning 10 years old.
We want you to come celebrate with us! We will showcase the work we have done over the years in Stockport and what else is to come.
You will find our many reports/ newsletters to hand and maybe even some past staff members?
The event will take place at our famous Land O' Cakes building.
If you are thinking of attending, please let us know so that we can make sure we get enough cake
NHS dentistry
Message from Healthwatch England
CQC’s ‘Smiling Matters’ report highlighted the lack of access to NHS dental care in care homes, despite improved awareness of oral health among providers. The Daily Mail has used some of our quote below (attributed to Chris McCann - Director of Communications, Campaigns and Insight) in this article:
“Healthwatch investigated the lack of oral healthcare in care homes in the past and this report is a stark reminder that access to NHS dentistry needs immediate attention. While it’s positive to see improved awareness of oral health among providers, we are worried that the number of people in care homes who could ‘never’ access NHS dental care has risen by more than four times since 2019. This directly mirrors our recent findings showing a significant rise in the number of people unable to find an NHS dentist who would treat them.
“The Government and NHSE have both taken action in recent months, but there are still fundamental changes required to fix NHS dentistry, as we, and local Healthwatch, have made clear in multiple submissions to a new parliamentary inquiry. We urgently need to make it accessible and affordable for everyone, while focusing on tackling access for the most vulnerable people.”
The i paper reported a rise in decay among children. NHS statistics show that in the 12 months to June 2022, 46.2 per cent of children in England saw a dentist, down from 52.7 per cent before the pandemic. This article features our quote.
Louise Ansari, national director of Healthwatch England, says dentistry is a major concern for patients across the country with “distressing” stories about lack of access.
“We have heard of some children who have never seen a dentist due to the poor access to NHS dentistry and so missing out on vital check-ups and prevention advice,” she says
“The Government and NHSE have both taken action in recent months, but there are still fundamental changes required to fix NHS dentistry. We urgently need to make it accessible and affordable for everyone, while focusing on tackling inequalities.”
Read our Healthwatch Greater Manchester report
NHS strikes
Message from Healthwatch England
We’ve also responded to the announcement of the pay offer to NHS staff, including nurses, ambulance workers and physiotherapists. It is reported it has the backing of most unions. BBC Online as well as the Times have included part of Louise’s comment below.
"Patients will welcome news that an end appears to be in sight to the pay dispute involving nurses, paramedics and other staff. During the past four months of industrial action, more than 140,000 operations or appointments have been postponed for people, many of whom had already been waiting an extraordinarily long time due to pandemic backlogs. We now urge swift resolution of pay disputes between doctors and government, to avoid any further delays to patient care."
I hope you find these media updates useful. As previously advised, I can remove you from the distribution list or add those of colleagues, please just let me know.
Community pharmacy Bank Holiday hours available online
The Easter to end of May Bank Holiday pharmacy opening hours can be viewed on GMLPC. Other pharmacies may be open but have not notified NHS GM so they’re not included in this list. This website will be periodically updated, to include any further notifications.
The community pharmacy Easter Bank Holidays are:
- Good Friday, 7 April
- Easter Sunday, 9 April
- Easter Monday, 10 April
Saturday, 8 April, is a normal working day for community pharmacy opening hours.
May Bank holidays
- Monday, 1 May
- Monday, 8 May, King’s Coronation substitute
- Monday, 29 May
Saturday, 6 May, is a normal working day.
Diabetes during Ramadan
The risk of fasting for those living with diabetes can vary depending on the type of diabetes, blood sugar levels, medication taken and any other diabetes-related conditions. Diabetes UK has lots of information on their website to help keep people living with diabetes safe and well during Ramadan.
There is also a free online course to help support patients with diabetes during Ramadan, which outlines the health risks and principles of medication adjustment to help avoid fasting-associated complications.
Ramadan began Wednesday, 22 March, and runs for 29 or 30 days. During Ramadan, Muslims fast during daylight hours.
Hundreds of thousands of women experiencing menopause symptoms to get cheaper Hormone Replacement Therapy
Read more about the HRT Pre-Payment Certificate (PPC) launch which will roll out from Sunday, 1 April.
- Women in England will be able to access cheaper hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause through a new prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) to be rolled out from 1 April 2023.
- The certificate will help around 400,000 women save hundreds of pounds a year, reducing their HRT costs to less than £20 a year
- Better access to HRT will improve the lives of millions of women in England who suffer from negative symptoms of the menopause
IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Hidden Phones – Managing Emergency Government Alerts
Please share this information as widely as possible to help keep others safe.
The government is rolling out a new Emergency Alerts system. A test alert will be sent on Sunday 23 April 2023. The alerts will be used to let you know about emergency situations (like severe flooding) through your mobile phone or tablet. However, the alert will be accompanied by a loud 10-second sound even if your device is on silent. Your mobile phone or tablet does not have to be connected to mobile data or Wi-Fi to get alerts.
If you have a secret mobile phone hidden from an abusive partner, follow the instructions provided in a new video from the specialist domestic abuse organisation Refuge. The video explains how the siren can be disabled by switching off these emergency alerts in your settings app, both on Android and Apple devices.
This information and the Refuge video can be found on the Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board website.
Launch of life-saving public emergency alerts
A new system that gives the Government and emergency services the capability to send emergency alerts has been launched. The system is designed to bolster the UK’s resilience and provides the capability to send alerts direct to mobile phones when there is a risk to life.
A UK-wide alerts test will take place in the early evening of Sunday 23 April.
Working with mobile broadcasting technology, the Emergency Alerts system will transform the UK’s warning and informing capability, providing a means to get urgent messages quickly to nearly 90 percent of mobile phones in a defined area.
The alerts will only ever come from the Government or emergency services, and warnings issued will issue a warning, always include the details of the area impacted, and provide instructions about how best to respond - linking to where people can receive further information.
Emergency Alerts will be used very rarely - only being sent where there is an immediate risk to people’s lives - so people may not receive an alert for months, or even years.
Read the full news story here.
Joint Committee on Vaccantion and Immunisation - COVID-19 vaccination spring programme
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has confirmed its advice for a 2023 spring coronavirus (COVID-19) booster programme.
The advice is that a spring booster dose should be offered to:
- adults aged 75 years and over
- residents in a care home for older adults
- individuals aged 5 years and over who are immunosuppressed
The NHS will plan to begin offering spring boosters to eligible members of the public from 17 April 2023 with vaccination in care homes beginning slightly earlier, from 3 April 2023. The last date for the public to book spring boosters will be 30 June 2023.
Read more in our news story.
Laboratory testing shows a sharp increase in reports of confirmed cases of norovirus – the most common infectious cause of vomiting and diarrhoea.
National surveillance data shows laboratory reports of the virus are significantly higher than the average at this time of year with reports being almost double the five season average pre-COVID 19. We are sharing messages on how people can help reduce the spread of norovirus. We are also reminding health and social care settings of the existing guidance on managing norovirus outbreaks to help stop the spread of infection.
For more information on Norovirus, read our blog.
Do you have hearing aids to donate?
Message from Disabled Living
The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation are currently asking for donations of hearing aids for veterans in need. If you have hearing aids you no longer use, please consider recycling them by clicking below.
Holiday Activities & Food program Easter
Message from Lizzie Austin (Pure Innovations)
Please share & see the link below for FREE Holiday Activities and Food/HAF program for Easter. If children are not currently on free school meals it might be worth checking if clients qualify and apply for it so they don't miss out on future activities.
Once you are on school meals you can also apply for a uniform grant when they start High School, providing your circumstances don't change. #everylittlebithelps
Only one week to go until Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
Message from Bowel Cancer UK
Our new #KnowtheHigh5 campaign is raising awareness of the five red flag symptoms of disease that should prompt people to see their GP straight away.
Someone dies of bowel cancer every 30 minutes in the UK. It’s the second biggest cancer killer but it shouldn’t be, because it’s treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early. That’s why knowing the symptoms is so important – it really could save your life.
Thank you for supporting the campaign, and helping ensure a future where no one dies of bowel cancer.
Stockport Council Updates
Message from Sarah Burke (Stockport Council)
Please see attached for more details
Become a Mental Health First Aider
Message from Chris Hughes (Stockport Homes)
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a training course which teaches people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.
MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.
You’ll learn to recognise warning signs of mental ill health and develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while keeping yourself safe.
(MHFA England)
Anyone wanting more information or to book a place should contact us:
- Tel: 0161 474 2862
- Email:
- Visit: Skills for Life Plus (
Priority will be given to Stockport Homes’ customers.
Transport Update for GM Health Sector 24.03.23
Message from Transport for Greater Manchester
Please find attached a Transport Update for the GM Health Sector.
Topics include:
- Bus franchising: Bee Network bus branding launch
- Trailblazer devolution deal and Spring Budget transport headlines
- Testing of new digital real-time bus information displays
- #GetOnBoard Campaign
- Rochdale – Oldham – Ashton Transport Experience Survey
- International Women’s Day 2023
- Stockport Interchange update
- New Park & Ride in Walkden
- Look Closer Campaign
- Metrolink improvement works
Understanding Anti-social behaviour on Public Transport
On Wednesday 29th March at 6.30pm- 7.30pm, Kooth Digital Health and Transport for Greater Manchester will broadcast a special webinar about anti-social behaviour from young people on public transport.
It would be much appreciated if this could be shared with your team or people you support in your area. If you support or work with any families, please feel free to invite them to attend for free.
The webinar is aimed at parents, carers, teachers, community leaders and anyone who works with young people. We will discuss how the developing teenage brain can impact behaviour and how to talk to the young people in your life about these changes.
To access the webinar please click here
Fun day and Duck Race Bramhall Park, 21 May 2023
Message from Signpost for Carers
Please see attached for more information
Events from Pure Innovations
Message from Ellie Uwin (Pure Innovations)
Easter Bonnet Craft Workshop
Tuesday 4th April
Mens Health info and advice workshop
Tuesday 25th April
Women's Health info and advice workshop run by Stockport Council and Public Health
Tuesday 25th April
See attached posters for more details on events
Council of Governors - Election 2023
Message from Pennine Care
We are looking for potential Governors to join our Council of Governors.
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust's Council of Governors is made up of elected members of the public, staff and representatives from partner organisations.
The Council of Governors forms a direct link between Pennine Care and the communities it serves and ensures that the voice of the public, patients, service users and staff are used to inform the Trust's decisions, improve care and enhance the patient experience.
Our nomination process opens on 27 March and we have some information sessions booked to equip you with the necessary information about the Governor role and nomination process.
In Stockport there is 1 vacancy.
[Job Opportunity] Healthwatch Cheshire
Message from Healthwatch Cheshire
Community Engagement and Project Officer
Healthwatch Cheshire are looking for a confident and enthusiastic Community Engagement and Project Officer with excellent communication skills and an enquiring mind to complement their team.
An application pack is attached; these are also available on our websites:
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 12th April.
[Job Opportunity] Beacon Counselling
See attached PDF for more details.
Get On Board Spring
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is highlighting the benefits of travelling sustainably through the real stories of residents in Greater Manchester in their #GetOnBoard Spring campaign. Among the reasons commuters in Greater Manchester are choosing to use public transport, walking, cycling or wheeling include saving money on vehicle fuel and parking, reducing time spent in traffic jams, and cutting carbon emissions.
Amid growing concerns about the cost-of-living crisis and the impact of car journeys on the environment, thousands of people every day across the region are already taking advantage of lower bus fares, Metrolink’s flexible travel options or the city-region’s expanding active travel network. You can find out more about how you can #GetOnBoard with walking and cycling, and buses and trams today.
Epilepsy Society Petition
There are about 600,000 people in the UK with Epilepsy and for one third of them – 200,000 – their seizures are not adequately controlled by current treatment options. 1,200 people die every year from epilepsy.
The Epilepsy Society wants to transform the treatment provided to people with epilepsy and give them hope of a life without seizures.
They want to stop people dying from their Epilepsy.
The Epilepsy Society want to sell part of their land in Buckinghamshire to provide 975 new homes. They hope, by this means, to raise £100 million which would be invested in cutting-edge research to transform the diagnosis and treatment of Epilepsy.
NHS England
Primary Care Bulletin - 23 March 2023 (Issue 231)
Healthcare leaders update: Friday 24 March 2023
Age UK
The right care and support for you
Starting Point
DigiKnow Digital Champion Weekly Update - Helping Stockport Get Online 20th March 2023
DigiKnow Digital Champions Weekly Newsletter - 27th March 2023
Care Quality Commission
Help shape our future assessment reports
Our approach to assessing integrated care systems
New publication: Smiling matters 2023
Diversifying Income Streams workshop next Wednesday
Social Enterprise news and updates (eBulletin March 2023)
Research ebulletin - March 2023
Stockport Council
We have designs on design in 2023
Vernon Community Stars, World Autism Acceptance Week, Find your Funding, and more!
Department of Health and social care
Adult Social Care Update: 23.03.23
GM Moving
GM Moving Newsletter - Friday 24th March 2023
Rethink Mental Illness
Your latest news from Rethink Mental lllness
Men's Health Forum
Men's Health Forum We need a new CEO
Manchester Evening News
LGBTQ+ Bulletin - Thursday 23rd March 23
MyStockport - Thursday 23rd March 23
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situational Report – 16th March 2023
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situational Report – 21st March 2023