IRU-Friday 29th September
Welcome to this week's Information Round-up!
It has been a busy week for the team at Land O'Cakes! Read below to see all that we have been up to. October will be filled with many more great events from Healthwatch Stockport and the wider Stockport Community. Read below to see the events that are planned for the next couple of weeks as well as other information updates.
Remember if you want to receive the link weekly then you can sign up here and you will receive an email every week with the link as soon as it is public.
If you ever want to promote your work, event or you would like any information circulated please email with all the relevant information.
Please feel free to share far and wide!
You can follow us on social media at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube.
Updates from Healthwatch Stockport HQ
This week, we have been busy promoting our Healthwatch Stockport Information and Advice Service at Heald Green Library and at a transformation event at the hospital. It was great to chat with so many different people about what we do at Healthwatch Stockport.
We also increased our knowledge base around pension credit through a brilliant event hosted by Independent Age, as well as attending the Living Well Mental Health Collaborative at the Alma Lodge, Stockport Quality Improvement Collaborative, a Reablement Summit hosted by the NHS and Stockport Council (One Stockport), the Stockport Community Advice and Information Network, the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust AGM, and the Dementia Champions Forum. Thank you to everyone that hosted these informative events.
Back in Land O'Cakes, we have been planning our Enter and View Programme to places where health and care takes place, as well as planning our next Healthwatch Stockport Network Forum taking place on Monday!! We are also looking forward to attending the See Hear Open Day Event at Walthew House Next Friday (see below) and many more events in Stockport.
Healthwatch Stockport Health and Social Care Network Event
We are looking forward to seeing and hearing from everyone on Monday.
Unfortunately, this event is now fully booked but we are grateful to everyone that has booked on and shared the event. It should be a great afternoon!
There is limited parking allocated for this event and if any requirements are needed then please contact the office.
See you soon!
Warm Spaces Grant now open
Message from The Warm Spaces Team:
Warm Spaces 2023/24 has opened for grant applications. You can apply for up to £1k of funding for your warm space
This grant will be open for applications on a rolling basis until 31st December.
To find out more about warm spaces funding (and other funding you may be eligible for) please visit our webpage: Available funds - Stockport Council
To apply for warm spaces funding use our application form:
If you have any further questions please email:
Digital Drop-in Sessions at Stockport Libraries
See attached poster for more details.
See Hear Open Day Event at Walthew House
Friday 6th October 2023
Walthew House,112 Shaw Heath, Stockport, SK2 6QS
Women's Walking Group
The first of these will be on Tuesday 10th October and the second on Tuesday 24th October. BOht would be 10-12 and at Woodbank Park again. Children will be welcome to come along to the one that takes place over half term.
This is part of the newly launched Wave of Change programme, in which more information will be released in the coming weeks.
See attached for more information.
Fun Palaces at Stockport Libraries
See attached leaflets and posters.
Menopause Awareness Training
News dates have been added throughout October for Stockport and District Minds increasingly popular Menopause Awareness Training.
The sessions have been organised as part of a collaborative project with the four other Minds in Greater Manchester.
The FREE sessions aim to support employees, volunteers and managers of small to medium-sized enterprises (SME) across Stockport and the rest of Greater Manchester.
An SME is any organisation that has fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than 50 million or a balance sheet total less than 43 million.
The next dates for our Menopause Awareness courses are as follows:
Menopause Awareness for Employees:
An online 90-minute workshop that's interactive and practical. The course offers ideas and tools to build confidence to support people in this important transitional life stage. To find out more, or book on please visit: Awareness for Staff - Mind in Greater Manchester (
- Tuesday 3rd October – 2pm – 3.30pm
- Thursday 26th October – 9.30am – 11am
Supporting Employees through the Menopause (managers session)
A more in-depth online course, which additionally includes a 1 hour pre-learning module, that offers the tools for Managers to support employees through the Menopause. To find out more, or book on please visit the link:
- Monday 2nd October - 9.30am - 11.30am
- Tuesday 24th October – 2pm – 4pm
- Monday 30th October – 10am – 12pm
More information about the GM Mind Menopause Project and further courses can be found via: Menopause Project - Mind in Greater Manchester (
ARC Stockport Arts and Mental Health Showcases
Adults showcase
Monday 9th October 11:00-16:30
Youth showcase
Tuesday 10th October 16:00-19:00
Arc Centre, Hat Works, Stockport, Sk3 0EU
Adult Showcase
As part of Stockport Arts and Health Week and following a hugely successful event last year, Arc is hosting a free showcase event for people to come along and find out more about local community groups and organisations who offer opportunities to improve wellbeing through creativity.
Stay for as long as you like, meet local groups and find out about the sessions that they run, the support they provide or the activities that you can get involved in. This friendly and informal event will take place at Arc at Hat Works, Stockport, on Monday October 9th from 11:00-14.30 and will offer light refreshments and creative activities. Try recycled record collages in the morning or have a go at collage and printing with everyday objects to create your own beautiful paper bird in the afternoon.
Groups attending on the day (subject to change) include: Stockport Mind, Stockport MBC, Pure Innovations, Marbury Road Edible Garden (The Manc Forager), Stockport PANDAS, Caribbean and African Health Network- CAHN, Coffee, chill & spill, Big Life Group (Self Help), Self Care Creatives, Culture Bridge, Stockport Race Equality Partnership and Let's Talk Money.
To book your free space visit:
#StockportArtsandHealthWeek #UKSPF
Youth Showcase
As part of Stockport Arts and Health Week, Arc is hosting a free showcase event for guardians and young people to come along and find out more about local creative groups offering youth focused opportunities to improve wellbeing through creativity, as well as support services, for young people aged 11+.
Drop in with or without your young person, stay for as long as you like, meet local groups and find out about the services that they run, the support they provide or the activities that you can get involved in. Arc's Shine project will be running a free drop-in creative session for young people as part of this friendly and informal event which will take place at Arc at Hat Works on Tuesday October 10th from 16:00-19:00.
Groups attending on the day (subject to change) include: Beacon Counselling, Signpost Young Carers, Stockport Homes Group, Life Leisure, The Proud Trust, Groundwork Greater Manchester, NK Theatre Arts, Stockport Actions Youth Speakers, Marbury Road Edible Garden (AKA The Manc Forager).
To book your free space visit:
#StockportArtsandHealthWeek #WordMentalHealthDay #UKSPF
Menopause in Mind Event
Wednesday 18th October 2023
Cornerstone, 2 Edward Street, Stockport, SK1 3NQ
More information here.