[Competition Closed] Calling under 18s to show how they look after their mental health #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and so Beacon Counselling have decided to extend the deadline for the Stamp Out Stigma Competition until 12th June
Beacon Counselling

News Release from Beacon Counselling

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and so Beacon Counselling have decided to extend the deadline for the Stamp Out Stigma Competition until 12th June and are welcoming visual entries from Stockport's children and young people to show how they look after their own mental health and wellbeing. 

Submissions will be used to support the Stamp Out Stigma Campaign which promotes youth voices on mental health in Stockport and winning entries will win Amazon Vouchers up to £50. 

Beacon Counselling is working with Stockport Council this year to promote the competition and a chosen winning entry will also receive the opportunity to work with a professional designer to help use their content to promote mental health support across the borough.

Submissions to sos@beacon-counselling.org.uk  by 12th June 2022. 

You can find out more here


#StampOutStigma competition 2022 calling children in Stockport (A4 Document)