IRU - Tuesday 3rd May 2022
Welcome to this week's Information Round-up!
Hope you all have had a great weekend and bank holiday.
Remember if you want to receive the link weekly then you can sign up here and you will receive an email every week with the link as soon as it is public.
If you ever want to promote your work, event or you would like any information circulated please contact Liam at
Please feel free to share far and wide!
You can follow us on social media at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube.
News advice and information from Healthwatch
Someone I love has died - where can I find support?
Where can I go for support for mental health as a new parent?
Where can I go to get help for my health out of hours?
Latest Statement from Director of Public Health
Message from Alison North (Stockport Council)
This week’s statement focuses on the spring boosters and vaccine centres across the borough and what to do if you are unwell this Bank Holiday weekend and the pharmacy opening times. The statement also gives information about other illnesses such as hepatitis which are still with us.
Rates have almost doubled after last week’s fall and are currently at 454.5 per 100,000 population: around 141 people per day. This rate is likely to be an underestimate in cases as free testing is no longer available. See the latest published data online
Here is the latest Statement from the Director of Public Health
This week we have continued to focus on booster and vaccine clinics along with the usual covid safety messaging.
Updates from Stockport Council
Updates from Stockport Council
Overeaters Anonymous in Stockport
Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. The OA Programme is based on the twelve step recovery programme of Alcoholics Anonymous. In OA we admit that we are powerless over food and cannot manage our eating behaviours alone. In OA we find others who can help us to find a saner and more beneficial way to deal with our eating problems and our living problems.
Message from Stockport and District Mind
We are excited to announce that Stockport and District Mind plan to move from our current abode on Union Street. We have come to this decision after a period of reflection on the services we provide, the community we support, and the people who make our vital work happen. Our future home will strengthen our Stockport roots by being more visible, accessible, and open to creating conversations and collaborative work with local individuals and organisations with the same vision and values as ourselves.
To demonstrate our vision, to meet the needs of our growing numbers of service users and utilise our resources efficiently, we are recruiting a Volunteer Co-ordinator. The successful candidate will work collaboratively with existing volunteers and the Stockport and District Mind team to manage and support volunteer activity. To reflect the changing needs of our communities, the Volunteer Co-ordinator will also focus time on the 'Reconnecting after Lockdown' project. This work will support vulnerable and isolated people with a focus on addressing the mental health impact and fall-out of the COVID-19 crisis with the objective of reconnecting people within the communities.
Other areas of our offering have been under focus and subsequently energised with rejuvenated positivity. Our carers choir have chosen to join forces and relocate to a more central point in the town to raise the profile as a support service within the community. We are starting to position ourselves alongside a local organisation to better understand the mental health challenges of young people in Stockport and we look forward to collaborating with our lovely colleagues at Signpost for Carers. In the near future, our website will support the information and signposting offered by our helpline and therefore provide a more robust service.
These are exciting and positive times for the Charity, and we are looking forward to seeing how these developments ensure that we continue to be an integral part of the community for many more years to come. As a taster of our plans, we are very proud to share with you our latest promotional video which has been created with the kind support of Glace Media, which highlights our strengths and compassion, our personal approach to our services and how we support those who need it most.
We look forward to sharing updates with you on our website. Alternatively, you can find news about us moving, mental health tips and mental wellbeing information by following our pages on Facebook LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter @StockportMind.
New Stockport Community Champion Video
Message from Community Champions
We have been working with Marketing Stockport to develop a new promotional video to encourage people to understand and become a Community Champion. We would like to thank all of the Champions who shared their thoughts for this video.
Please find the full article about its release here.
Overeaters Anonymous meetings return
The Stockport Overeaters Anonymous Face to Face Meetings returns on Sunday 5th June - 7pm at Chelwood Baptist Church, Adswood Road, Cheadle Hulme Stockport SK8 5QA
A new exciting activity is coming your way!
Plastic Shed is inviting you to join us for another exciting free activity
happening on Sunday 15th of May ‘22!
After the first very successful “Foraging, wellbeing and litter pick walk”
we are now ready to host again with Nick from Foraging’n That our second community event!
To grab your free tickets and have more info about it click below
This activity is part of a series of free creative, environmental and educational workshops that Plastic Shed has been running since the end of 2021 for the benefit of the local community of Stockport.
Our project is funded by the Recycle for Greater Manchester Community Fund, a joint Recycle for Greater Manchester and SUEZ initiative accessed through the Greater Manchester Environment Fund.
Greater Manchester NHS Primary Care Careers and Job Event
The Greater Manchester NHS Primary Care Careers and Job Event, by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership will take place on Thursday, 12 May, 2022, 10am to 2pm, at Etihad Stadium, Ashton New Rd, Manchester, M11 3FF.
It’s a free event aimed at college and university students, and job seekers actively thinking about and looking for roles within primary care. Registration is via the greater Manchester Primary Care Careers website here.
Feel free to share the details of the event within your own networks and families if you know someone who might be interested in working in primary care.
Free Workshop Next Week - Recruiting Volunteers, Monitoring Goals/Measuring Outcomes and How ‘Notion’ Can Help
Message from Community Champions
We would like to invite you to attend a peer support event next week for all Stockport community groups. Come along to hear how Friendly Fridays’ project leaders have built a community in their community, using the five ways of wellbeing as their core values. The session includes discussions on the journey from visitor to volunteer; how they monitor goals and measure outcomes; and how they use ‘Notion’, a free online app, to help with this.
The session is being held on Monday 9th May at 10am and on Thursday 12th May at 10am.
Sign up to attend here:
Garden for Wellbeing Open Day
The Mental Health Network are holding a ‘Garden for Wellbeing Open Day’ during Mental Health Awareness Week!
Come and visit us at our allotment with Pure Innovations Mental Health Network and SPARC
On Thursday 12th May 11am until 2pm
At Whitehill Allotment, Whitehill Street, Reddish, Stockport SK4 1PB.
For more information please contact;
Please share!
SEND Week of Actions
Message from Ellie Uwin (Pure Innovations)
Please see attached and below info regarding SEND week of action
New women's BOOST class in partnership with ABL
Message from Steve Flynn (BOOST)
BOOST and ABL are launching a new women’s only fitness and activity group on Thursday 12th May. We will be delivering classes every week for 12 weeks as an initial pilot, with the aim of providing health and wellbeing support to through exercise and nutritional guidance. Classes will run from 10am-12pm and will combine an exercise workout such as non-contact boxing, circuits and HIIT, followed by nutritional discussion and 1:1 support. We will be delivering the programme from Zestus Fitness gym in Stockport town centre.
The idea is to create a fun and supportive session for our participants, improving mood and self-confidence, whilst providing them with the support and knowledge they need to make improvements to their day to day routines, be that exercise, diet or ideally both.
The criteria for group is as follows:
- Women only
- BMI 25-35
- Ages 18+
All participants are to be booked in for a 1:1 introduction call where we will complete a nutrition, lifestyle and SWEMWBS assessment.
This is a pilot programme and if the results are positive then we will look to increase the reach and availability of future sessions.
Please see attached referral form for those who you think may benefit from being involved in the programme.
[JOB] Healthwatch Manchester
Part-time Engagement Officer
[JOB] Viaduct Care CIC
Care Home Care Co-ordinator
Adult Course Guide
Message from Chris Hughes (Stockport Homes)
Here are the new Adult Skills courses delivered by Trafford College Group (including Stockport College) – see attached flyer for details.
GM Health and Social Care Partnership / GMCA / NHSGM
April 2022 - Person and Community Centred Approaches monthly e-bulletin
Signpost for Carers
Newsletter April 2022 for professionals
Care Quality Commission
CQC update for healthcare professionals - 28th April 2022
News from the Care Quality Commission: April 2022
National Autistic Society
Social Enterprise eBulletin, April 2022
GM BAME Network eBulletin, April 2022
Department of Health and Social Care
Adult Social Care Update 29.04.22
Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Networks
British Youth Council
Help the NHS improve public involvement with people and communities
Manchester Evening News
LGBTQ+ Bulletin - Thursday 28th April 2022
MyStockport - Thursday 28th April 2022
UK Health Security Agency
Information and Signposting
For up to date health and social care information, signposting and guidance call Healthwatch Stockport on
0161 974 0753 10am - 2pm or
Visit our Information and Signposting directory
Do you have a health or social care experience you want to share – how did your last appointment with your GP or dentist go? Are you happy or frustrated with the service you received – let us know so we can work with local services to influence better commissioners and better outcomes for you and your family.