IRU - Monday 4th April 2022
Happy Monday and welcome to this week's Information Round-up!
Remember if you want to receive the link weekly then you can sign up here and you will receive an email every week with the link as soon as it is public.
If you ever want to promote your work, event or you would like any information circulated please contact Liam at
Please feel free to share far and wide!
You can follow us on social media at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube.
IRU Report from 2021 - 2022
On Friday we celebrated our 9th Birthday as Healthwatch Stockport and we would like to thank all our members, volunteers and stakeholders. Without your support we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!
For nearly two years we have been providing you with the Information Round-up which initially started as a stakeholder update at the start of the pandemic. Nearly two years later we boast with over 1,300 pieces of information circulated last year. We have compiled a short report so that you can see the benefits of the Information Round-up which you can download below.
This year the Information Round-up will see a structural change adding events to the change.
Information Session - 27th April 2022
We are hosting an Information Session on Wednesday 27th April 2022 (10:30 - 12:00) at our headquarters - Land O' Cakes, 48 Middle Hillgate, Stockport SK1 3DL
The session is for anyone looking to get involved with the health and social care sector or interested in the work of Healthwatch Stockport and what we do. If you would like to know more you can contact the office on 0161 974 0753 or email Liam at
You can also book straight onto the session by clicking the button below
Latest Statement from Director of Public Health
Message from Emma Ferguson (Stockport Council)
This week’s statement focuses on the end of free Covid testing for the general population from today (1 April). However, There will be some ongoing free testing for those working and residing in a number of settings, such as health and social, as well as at-risk groups.
Rates in Stockport are still rising, and cases are currently at 756.2* per 100,000 population or around 285.6 people per day, currently the highest in Greater Manchester and with 88% being first infections. See the latest published data online.
Read the latest Statement from the Director of Public Health
Ambition for Ageing comes to an end
Thank you from Ambition for Ageing
Ambition for Ageing officially comes to an end today, 31st March 2022, after seven years.
We would like to thank everyone who has been a part of Ambition for Ageing, from our local delivery leads and scaled programme providers, to the Greater Manchester Older People’s Network and members of our Equalities Board, to our University partners, and to our wider stakeholders who have championed the programme and supported our work.
We would also like to thank the older people who contributed their time to various assessment panels, to local boards, to attending our seminars and events, and to those who have attended any activity and event held by our delivery partners across the region.
Ambition for Ageing has had a real impact and a legacy that will remain. We are delighted that some activities we previously funded and collaborations we helped build will continue.
The Greater Manchester Older People’s Network are continuing to develop work and campaigns to make a difference in Greater Manchester, and all of our freely available reports, toolkits and briefings on building age-friendly neighbourhoods, equalities and inclusion, microfunding and much more, will continue to be hosted on the GMCVO website.
What's Next?
GMCVO has received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to deliver a ‘good practice mentors’ scheme which will enable us to continue to share and embed learning from Ambition for Ageing.
Our website will around for a few more months as we move the content to the GMCVO website.
Our twitter account will remain open as we share updates, news and resources from partners continuing to deliver work on the ageing agenda in Greater Manchester and beyond.
You can also subscribe to other GMCVO ebulletins to keep up to date with GMCVO's wider work.
Thank you for your support across the last seven years.
The Ambition for Ageing team – Thea, Ellie, Sharon, Lucy, Clare, Estifanos, Mary and Susanne.
New NICE guidelines for people living with Diabetes
Message from Lisa Holland (Diabetes UK)
We are celebrating the publication of new guidelines by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) which recommend wider access to Flash and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for people living with diabetes on the NHS. We hope health services will adopt these guidelines as a minimum standard.
We know lots of people have questions about the new guidelines and what it means for them. To help we have published this news story, and updated our diabetes and technology webpages, so that people can more easily access the information and support that they need.
Digital Mental Health Support
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership has [now] commissioned instant access digital mental health support across Greater Manchester for everyone aged 10+. These services provide free, safe and anonymous online mental health support whenever you need it. There are no waiting lists for support and no referral needed. Access to these platforms is available instantly 24/7.
Go to (10-25) or (26+) to get started today.
Support available includes:
- Live chat or messaging with qualified mental health professionals
- Self help tools and activities
- Online community
Live chat available:
- Monday to Friday: 12pm - 10pm
- Saturday and Sunday 6pm - 10pm
You can download a range of images to use on the Kooth Promotion Central website
The Sharon Fallows Corner
Message from Sharon Fallows
What medical support are you entitled to if you’re new to the UK?
For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
Watch the latest video that Stockport and District MIND have produced down below
Useful information about your local ambulance service booklet
Message from North West Ambulance Service
This useful booklet includes details on the types of calls we class as needing a priority response, the different ways we manage 999 calls, what alternatives to calling 999 there are, and the importance of letting us know when an ambulance is no longer required.
Easter Holiday 2022 - Pharmacy Opening Hours
Message from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
Pharmacy opening hours on;
- Good Friday 15th April
- Easter Sunday 17th April
- Easter Monday 18th April
- May Bank Holiday 2nd May
The Easter and early May bank holiday hours are now posted on the GMLPC website. Other pharmacies may be open, but have not notified NHSE&I Greater Manchester team and therefore, are not included in this list.
If you intend to open, please check to see that you are correctly listed. If you intend to close, please check where the nearest available pharmacy is, in order to signpost your patients and to avoid patients attending A&E for pharmacy services. The 111 service can also signpost patients to the nearest available pharmacy.
Please ensure that you update your DOS and NHS website profiles to reflect your open/closed status
Unless you have notified NHS England of changes to your supplementary hours at least 90 days before the date, or applied successfully for amendment to core hours, the pharmacy must open for the usual contracted hours. Saturday 16th April is a normal working day.
For more information and FAQ’s, please access the PSNC website
New Stockport ESOL Advice Service
Message from Sharon Freeman (Stockport ESOL Advice Service)
I wanted to let you know about the brand new ESOL Advice Service in Stockport. Stockport have recently joined this GMCA-funded project to help people who want to learn English in our borough.
We offer advice and signposting to ESOL classes and will also be mapping both existing and needed provision in Stockport in order to develop the ESOL offer to support our communities. Adults who want to learn or improve their English (for Speakers of Other Languages) can apply online through our website or come to an advice session for assessment. We also accept referrals from friends, family or other agencies in Stockport to help support people to find a suitable learning opportunity for them.
We want to get the news as far and wide across Stockport to ensure that we can offer the best support to our diverse communities. Please share our details with your colleagues and clients. Do get in touch if you would like more information, or check out our page on the website GM ESOL | Learn English in Greater Manchester and twitter account @StockportESOL. If someone would like to get in touch to see how we can support your residents, please get in touch.
Stockport Foodbank List
Document kindly shared by Chris Hughes (Stockport Homes)
Start Well Top Tips - Virtual Sessions
Message from Clare Griffiths (Start Well)
Just wanted to share with you Start Well’s virtual offer for Stockport families. These sessions run on the first FULL week of every month. All sessions support families to support their child’s development from conception upwards.
Poland Sydrome Awareness Fun Day
Message from Sam Fillingham (PIP-UK)
On Saturday 30th April we are hosting a Fun Day at the Rose Walker Community Centre, Stockport.
There will be activities for all ages including an x-box gaming truck, clay making, tots play, Hair Brading with Shirley and Afternoon Tea will be available too. We hope to see you there!
We thought long and hard about where to put on an event this year as we would like to host them in other regions, but the funding has not afforded us the option this year. We hope that with the global event resources, those that cannot get to the fun day can host an event in their area instead.
Share your pictures and wear red
Poland Syndrome Awareness day would not be the same without us all wearing red and sharing pictures on-line too, so whatever you do on the day, be sure to wear red and share with us.
so please feel free to share your pictures with us on the day or ahead of the event so we can all get involved and turn social media red.
Heaton Norris Community Centre Sessions
Message from Nadia Ali (Heaton Norris Community Centre/ Make a difference)
Please find attached an update on some of our face to face work we devier each week - please get in touch if you need any further details and we would appreciate if you share this on your social media platforms and amongst communities of interest
If you want to find out more about these groups please contact Vicky Bloomfield on
Rosie's Friendship Group
Message from Jo Drew (Age UK Stockport)
Rosie’s friendship group Monday 10:00am till 12:00pm Birch Court, Marple SK6 6DB
The group is open to anyone over 18 in the Marple and Werneth area who may be socially isolated and would like to meet new people.
Orange Umbrella Bramhall Coffee Morning
Message from Marie O'Malley (Stockport Together)
Orange umbrella volunteers are running a… WEEKLY COFFEE MORNING - Open to everyone.
Every Friday starting 28th January 10:00-12:00, Bramhall
Please call 07876841977, 07800618570 or 07485325398 for more information
Information available weekly about services in Stockport
Stockport County's Adult Active Group
Message from Matthew Bailey (Stockport County)
Socialise and make new friends in a warm, welcoming and relaxing enviroment. With opportunities to improve your health and well-being. Making postitive long-term lifestyle changes.
Sessions are free of charge and refreshments will be provided.
Every Monday 10:30am till 12:30pm for more information see flyer attached.
Integrated Care System Workshops
Stockport's Integrated Care System is being developed to give people the support they need, through better coordination across local council, the NHS, and other partners.
A series of workshops are being held to explore how to embed the voice of people and communities at the very heart of the governance and operation of the ICS.
The workshops are being facilitated by New Local and are online and in person (see below).
Workshop 2: Listening and learning as a system (Monday 11th April 10.00-11.30am – Via Zoom)
Workshop 3: Testing and Learning – Innovating with Focus (Thursday 28th April 11.00am-1.00pm – In person - Heatons Centre)
Learn More: Wednesday Webinar with Mentell
Message from Mentell - Mental Health Support
Every Wednesday- 13:00-13:30
You are invited to our weekly webinar hosted by Mentell every Wednesday at 1 pm.
Who is this for?
Ideally, this is for people who have little knowledge of Mentell and would like to get to know us better.
What will the webinar cover?
Origins of mentell, Why men, why now, How the circle works, Work in the community, How to refer, Q&A
How do I access the webinar?
Please click the registration button below
Events at York Street Community Centre and Adswood Community Centre
Message from Marley Brougham (Stockport Homes)
Every year, Stockport Homes delivers a Customer Roadshow where we will consult with customers on specific topics and this year is around digital services and access. We are holding four ‘Connecting Communities’ events to promote services and invite customers down to complete a short survey. The following dates are:
- Lancashire Hill Wednesday 11th May 2022 3-6pm
- York Street Thursday 19th May 2022 3-6pm
- Victoria Park, Offerton Wednesday 25th May 3-6pm
- Adswood Community Centre Thursday 26th May 3-6pm
If you would like to attend to promote your service and speak to customers, please get in touch with either myself or email the customer engagement inbox to - it’ll be picked up on the days I’m not working
Bredbury Community Soup
Message from Gary Loftus (Our Happiness Factor)
A Recipe For Nourishing Grassroots Community
SOUP is a space for connection, sparking imagination and spending time with your neighbours. It's an opportunity to pitch creative ideas for social action, unleashing potential and breathing life into your neighbourhood
When and where?
Monday 25th April
5.00pm - 7.30pm
Jean Byers Community Hub
Bents Avenue, Bredbury, Stockport SK6 2LF
Beechwood Cancer Care Counselling skills
Message from Amy Geldard (Beechwood Cancer Care)
Beechwood is delivering a Level 3 Course in Counselling Skills that intends to give learners the opportunity to develop a range of counselling skills, plus skills in self-awareness and self-assessment.
This course is ideal for those who wish to acquire a repertoire of counselling skills for use in their professional roles e.g. Nurses, social workers and teachers.
- Develop a range of counselling skills at a consistent level
- Underpin these skills with an understanding of one major therapeutic model
- Increase the self-awareness and the impact that you have on people
Starting Tuesday 26 April 2022 for 36 weeks, 5pm to 9pm.
If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact:
Healthcare Support Worker Recruitment Event
Message from Rachel Rowland (Pennine Care)
Looking to start your career in the NHS?
We’re looking for healthcare support workers to join us and other trusts across Greater Manchester.
You don’t need a degree or previous care experience – and you can walk away with a job, by coming to Old Trafford Cricket Ground on Tuesday 5 or Wednesday 6 April.
New training from St Ann's Hospice
Message from Laura Fox-Jones (St Ann's Hospice)
St Ann's Hospice have launched their new training courses for 2022, with both online and in-person courses specially designed for health and social care professionals throughout the year.
There's a range of courses and workshops led by highly skilled practitioners and facilitators. Many courses are suitable for health and care professionals who are new to palliative care, such as care and nursing home staff, as well as specialist workshops and courses for people working in end of life care.
Some of the courses include:
- Basic skills for teaching and training: open to all health and care professionals who are new to delivering teaching
- Pick n mix of palliative care: 10 bitesize courses for people who are new to palliative care
- Advance Care Planning (ACP)
- A series of 1 day specialist palliative care workshops, including deaf awareness, breathlessness and fatigue workshops and addressing inequalities at end of life
Visit to find out more and email to book your place. Many courses include a special 'bundle' discount when you book more than one session, and organisations can book all 10 'pick n mix' courses for a special discount price and can choose to send different members of staff to each course.
Sonder Radio- 'Let's Get Digital' Podcasting Course
Message from Maya (Sonder Radio)
I work for Sonder Radio (a colleague of mine may have contacted you previously). We are a community-driven radio station and organisation, who deliver a variety of workshops to people aged 50+.
We have an upcoming workshop titled 'Let's Get Digital', which will focus on helping participants to develop digital and podcasting skills. This course is completely free to attend.
Please find attached, flyers with more information about the workshop, including a preliminary session to assist with getting online- it would be great if you share these with your team and the people you support.
Standguide AEB Course Update
Message from Chris Hughes (Stockport Homes)
Standguide have a new Understanding Autism and Creating a Business Start-Up course starting soon – see attached flyers for details.
What's on in March with PeoplePlus?
Message from Chris Hughes (Stockport Homes)
More courses for unemployed people from PeoplePlus – see attached flyer and email below for details.
The future of services and support for Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing Survey
Message from Walthew House
Are you Deaf, deafened or find it hard to hear? Let us know your views on support you want!
Bolton Deaf Society, Manchester Deaf Centre and Walthew House in Stockport have commissioned Forever Consulting to explore the needs of people who are Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing, and how the centres can best help. Your views will help them to shape the type of services they provide and how they are delivered.
This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete, and you will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win a £100 High Street voucher. The survey closes at 11.30pm on Wednesday 27 April, so make sure you’ve had your say by then! Please send this survey to other Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing people so they can have their say too!
Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey for Stockport
Message from Sam Fielding (Stockport Council)
The mental health and wellbeing survey for Stockport is now open until 11:59pm on Sunday 24 April.
Because this feedback will inform our plans for the future, we want to get as many survey responses as possible.
It's open to anyone who lives and/or works in Stockport.
Watch the video below explaining the all-age mental strategy for stockport
Stockport Equity Network Updates - 30th March 2022
Stockport Samaritans
Stockport Samaritans Newsletter
Community Champions
Community Champions Newsletter 31.03.22
Stockport Council
It can be tough sticking to design principles against the curve - Digital update
Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Networks
Department of Health and Social Care
Adult Social Care Update 31.03.22
Care Quality Commission
News from the Care Quality Commission: March 2022
CQC update for healthcare professionals - 1st April 2022
The Prince's Trust
Last-minute courses in Greater Manchester
Manchester Evening News
MyStockport - Thursday 4th April 2022
LGBTQ+ Bulletin - Thursday 4th April 2022
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situational Report – 1st April 2022
Information and Signposting
For up to date health and social care information, signposting and guidance call Healthwatch Stockport on
0161 974 0753 10am - 2pm or
Visit our Information and Signposting directory
Do you have a health or social care experience you want to share – how did your last appointment with your GP or dentist go? Are you happy or frustrated with the service you received – let us know so we can work with local services to influence better commissioners and better outcomes for you and your family.