Service change: Dermatology services
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust has served notice to the dermatology service due to plans to develop outpatient B site. Therefore, the service has been actively looking for alternative and temporary accommodation.
The service has found temporary accommodation in Trafford with a tenure of 12-18 months. It is a purpose-built health hub facility in Altrincham. Consultant David Fitzgerald reported that the hub is an excellent facility, with all the modern technology and facilities that is becoming expected from patients albeit less convenient for Stockport residents, it is 10 miles away in a car and 17 minutes on a train from Stockport centre. It is hoped that this timeframe will allow the time to find a more permanent place for the service closer to Stockport. To read the full briefing please download the PDF Below.
If you think you might be affected by the move of service please do not hesitate to get in touch with Healthwatch Stockport.
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