Pharmacy Opening Times - Monday 29th August 2022 - Bank Holiday
Other pharmacies may be open, but have not responded to a request for opening hours and therefore, are not included in this list.
If you intend to open, please check to see that you are correctly listed. If you intend to close, please check where the nearest available pharmacy is, in order to signpost your patients and to avoid patients attending A&E for pharmacy services. The 111 service can also signpost patients to the nearest available pharmacy.
Please ensure that you update your DOS and NHS website profiles to reflect your open/closed status
For more information and FAQ’s, please access the PSNC website and the GMLPC website.
Stockport times are as follows;
47 - 49 Merseyway Stockport SK1 1PU
0161 480 5424
10.30am - 4.30pm
Offerton Pharmacy
513 Hempshaw Lane, Offerton, Stockport SK2 5TP
0161 483 3173
10am - 2pm
Asda Pharmacy
Warren Street, Stockport SK1 1UA
0161 429 3718
10am - 4pm
Lloyds pharmacy Sainsbury Stores
Hazel Grove, Stockport SK7 4AW
0161 483 3016
10am - 4pm
Lloyds pharmacy
Wilmslow Road, Cheadle Stockport SK8 3BB
0161 491 3194
10am - 4pm
Heald Green Pharmacy
208 Finney Lane, Heald Green, Stockport SK8 3QA
0161 498 9743
8am - 6pm