What is the Community Voice Partnership?

The Community Voice Partnership is a group of local organisations, and individuals with lived experience. They come together regularly to look at how the voices of those who live or work in Stockport can influence plans and decisions about Stockport’s health and care services. 

Meetings/Events in Stockport for you to have your say about local health and care services

Thursday 3 October, 11.30am, Merseyway Innovation Centre, Merseyway, Stockport, SK5 7DL

NHS Greater Manchester Fit for the Future engagement: A discussion about NHS finances and how it can use its money better.

How can I attend? Email gmhscp.engagement@nhs.net or call 07786 673 762

Wednesday 30 October November, 2pm, Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport, SK1 3XE

ONE Stockport Health and Care Board: Brings together senior leaders from Stockport, including NHS (primary, secondary, community and mental health), Local Authority and the voluntary, community, faith & social enterprise to focus on the shared priorities within the One Stockport Borough Plan and the One Health and Care Plan. 

How can I attend? Details to be confirmed

November 2024 date to be confirmed

An NHS Fit for the Future by NHS Greater Manchester: A chance to have your say about how the NHS in Greater Manchester uses its money, your ideas on where money can stop being wasted and discuss what’s important to you in local health and care services. 

How can I attend? Email gmhscp.engagement@nhs.net or call 07786 673 762

Wednesday 27 November, 2pm, Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Stockport, SK1 3XE

Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board: The Health & Wellbeing Board brings together representatives of the Council, local NHS organisation, local Health Watch and key statutory officers to provide strategic leadership over commissioning of health and social care services in the borough. 

How can I attend? Call Georgia Latham on 0161 474 3229

Meet the Community Voice Partnership members 

The Partnership is co-chaired by Maria Kildunne, Chief Officer of Healthwatch, and lived experience member Michelle Conway.

Maria - include details here 


Michelle is the founder and CEO of Keira’s Kingdom which is a Stockport charity tackling health inequalities and fighting for better health and care. She is also the Stockport Disability Rights Network Lead. Michelle also has a keen interest in equality, diversity and inclusion for all. She believes in amplifying voices from underrepresented communities within Stockport and is an advocate for better support and healthcare for all. 


Meet the rest of the Partnership   (BUTTON)

How else to have your say?