Healthwatch Round Up - 21 November 2024

Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up is published every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.

Welcome to this week's Healthwatch Stockport Information Round-up (IRU). 

Please share our Round Up and encourage others to sign up. To receive the link, sign up here

To see what we're up to on a more regular basis and for info and advice, follow our social channels:  FacebookInstagramLinkedin, Twitter,

To promote your work, event or share any information, please fill in the form here or email directly.


What a week for the Healthwatch Stockport team! On Tuesday we supported our NHS Greater Manchester colleagues (Stockport locality) to host the NHS Fit for the Future listening event - a great success with some excellent round the table discussions - of which we'll share more news soon. 

The team have also been through their Data Protection Training - a perfect recap to ensure we're always ensuring compete confidentiality in everything we do. 

Healthwatch Articles & Advice You May Have Missed

Please see the latest news, advice and support articles from us and Healthwatch England. 

Public’s confusion over ‘right’ to register with an NHS dentist

Almost two decades after the public lost their right to register permanently with an NHS dentist, our new research shows two-thirds believe this right exists. Find out more about our findings and calls for dental reform.

What can the Pharmacy First scheme do for me?

The new Pharmacy First scheme enables your local pharmacy to treat some common conditions with prescription-only medicines, without you visiting your GP. Find out everything you need to know.

Read the article here

Do you need help travelling to NHS services?

Find out what support is available to help you when travelling to your GP, hospital or other NHS services.

Read the article here

How to look after yourself whilst caring for someone else

Each day 6,000 people become carers. Looking after a loved one can be physically and emotionally exhausting so it's vital that you get the support you need. Find out how you can make sure you look after yourself.

Read the article here

Check out our website for more news, advice and informative articles. 

Access to NHS dentistry 2024 - findings

Details from Healthwatch England

Healthwatch's new research provides the first ever evidence on patients’ awareness of how NHS dentistry system works and what kind of dental service they want for the future. 

It also provides the latest data on people's experiences of and access to NHS dentistry. 

It aims to offer independent feedback on impact of (the previous government’s) 'Dental Recovery Plan’ on access to NHS dentistry and inform the new government’s ‘Dental Rescue Plan’. 

Read the report findings here

Reminder: What's Your Experiences of Health & Care Services?

We're continuing with our request for feedback around local health and social care services. If you use GPs, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, community or care services, we (Healthwatch Stockport) want to hear your experiences - good, bad or in-between to help to improve the quality of care for us all. At the moment, we're particularly keen to gather your feedback around the following areas:

Your Experience of Local Eye Care Services: Are you happy with the eye care you’re receiving – what's working well and what do you think could be improved? All feedback will help us to recommend improvements to commissioners and eye care providers and services. 

Hospital Appointment Systems:  Tell us your experiences of the hospital booking systems and how information about your appointments is provided to you. 

You can contact us by:

Feedback centre (on our website)

0161 974 0753 or text 078710 89100 (text service only)

Have Your Say: GP Care For Trans & Non-Binary

Details from Healthwatch England

Could you help us learn more about trans and non-binary people’s experiences of GP care?

Everyone should have care that meets their needs. But research into trans and non-binary people’s care experiences, while limited, shows they often face challenges when navigating both gender-affirming and other care. Healthwatch England are running a survey to better understand these challenges and how to tackle them. Share your experiences of GP care, good or bad, with the Healthwatch team. 

Complete the survey here

Join Us For Our Christmas Coffee Morning!

Change NHS: Have You Shared Your Feedback?

Details from Healthwatch England and NHS

Everyone in England is invited to share their views on how NHS services can be made better – so, Stockport, have your say! This feedback campaign has been described as the “biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS.” 

To share your experiences, views and ideas visit The website will be live until early next year, and via the NHS App. If you’re sharing feedback as a representative of an organisation, the NHS has asked you to complete the organisation questionnaire. 

Have your say

Have Your Say: Diabetic Eye Screening

Details from NHS England

People with Diabetes are invited to have specialist eye tests as they're at risk of developing a condition called diabetic retinopathy. Specialist eye tests can detect changes before symptoms begin and early treatment can be provided. This can reduce the risk of people losing their sight. 

NHS England wants to know how this Diabetic eye screening is working in Greater Manchester.

  • If you have diabetes and went for an eye test – share how it went
  • If you were invited but did not go for an eye test – share why and what could encourage you to attend in future.

Complete the survey

If you have any queries about taking part, email: 

Have Your Say: Creating an Age Friendly Stockport

Details from Stockport Council

Stockport Council is working to become an age-friendly borough, introducing new initiatives promoting positive health and wellbeing, and supporting people to live independently.

The Stockport Age-Friendly Partnership is currently developing a new action plan. The plan aims to make Stockport a place where people can age happily with equality, respect, and independence and  have a voice in the shaping the place they live. 

Everyone, no matter your age, is encouraged to share their views by 15 December.

Have Your Say here

Get Involved: Alzheimer's & Hearing Tech Research

Details from Thiscovery

The University of Cambridge and Thiscovery are inviting you to take part in two research studies as follows:

Alzheimer's Research UK - Only 65% of people with dementia symptoms receive a diagnosis, often after a lengthy wait. Thiscovery and Alzheimer’s Research UK want to understand the experience of seeking and getting a diagnosis of dementia. They're keen to hear from people who have been diagnosed with dementia in the last 3 years, or currently seeking answers for memory and thinking concerns. We also want to hear from loved ones who are supporting them through the process.

Complete the survey

RNID - Have you ever lost your hearing device while in hospital, or been unable to charge it?  Share your experiences so we can understand why and how it happens, and what we could do about it. The impact of losing a key communications aid when dealing with the challenges of a hospital admission can be huge. That’s why RNID are running a project with Thiscovery to find out why and how this happens. Please share your experiences in their survey.

Complete the survey

The research programmes are an extremely important as a way of gathering more information on how to best support, improve, reduce stress on parts of the public health and care system.  

Defibrillator Funding

Details from Sector 3

Defibrillator funding is available for community spaces across England. The funding is on a first come first serve basis. See if you're eligible:

  • You must be able to locate the defib on an external wall that is eligible to members of the public 24/7. 
  • Organisations must be able to provide an electrical power source to operate the cabinet light and heater to keep the device at the right temperature. 
  • You will able to match fund £750 for your application
  • Please note that schools or academies are not eligible.

Applications will close once all of the funding has been allocated. 

Greater Manchester Mental Health Update

Details from Healthwatch Manchester

The 24/7 Mental Health Helpline number provided by Greater Manchester Mental Health has been changed to 0800 953 0285.  Please ensure you update any advice documents/literature you have to this number. 

Have Your Say: Severe Mental Health Experiences

Details from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

The Stockport Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee is carrying out a review to explore the opportunities and challenges experienced by people with severe mental health conditions. Their goal is to help local services, not just health services, learn from people's experiences and contribute to an action plan to better support those facing mental health challenges.

If you or someone you care for has been diagnosed with a severe mental health condition (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, personality disorder, or major depression), please complete the questionnaire, it takes approx. 15 minutes. 

Start the questionnaire here 

The questions cover different aspects of life that can impact health and wellbeing. You can choose which questions to answer and skip any that don’t apply/ those you don’t wish to answer. 

Reminder: Stockport to ‘Get Winter Strong’ 

Details from Stockport Council

In Stockport, this year’s vaccination programme is underway for eligible residents, including for protection against Flu, Covid and the Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

Flu vaccines: If eligible, you can get your vaccine from your GP surgery or pharmacy that offers NHS flu vaccination. Pharmacy appointments can be booked at:

Protect against Covid: Adults aged 65+ with long term health conditions and those who are pregnant are encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID also. To book a COVID vaccine: 

119 (ask for a translator if needed)

To find a walk-in COVID vaccine clinic: 

Get both your Flu and Covid vaccines: This year there is the option of booking a combined appointment to have both the Flu and the Covid vaccines at the same time. 

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccine: This virus causes coughs and colds and can be dangerous for older people and young babies. That’s why this vaccine is recommended for adults aged 75-79 and those who are pregnant (from 28 weeks).  GP practices and maternity services are providing the RSV vaccine.

Pop-up vaccine centres next week:

29 November

8am – 1pm - Quba Masjid M19 2QD

2pm – 7pm - Cheadle Mosque, SK8 3NP

28 November: 

8am – 1pm - Merseyway, Mersey Square

2pm – 7pm - Aldi, Stockport Road, SK3 0LX (*not on 21 November)

In Stockport, for more information on staying healthy:

Get Involved: HIV Testing Week

Details from PaSH Partnership

The PaSH Partnership (BHA for Equality, LGBT Foundation and George House Trust)  is excited to invite you to join Greater Manchester HIV Testing Week, which runs from the 25-30 November

Every year Greater Manchester dedicates a week to testing for HIV and STIs in the lead-up to World Aids Day (1st December) as part of its commitment to end all new cases of HIV in a Generation.

 During the Week, PaSH will increase access to testing by hosting community events across Greater Manchester and offering a variety of ways to test from the comfort of your own home, encouraging as many people as possible to test. 

Scope To Provide Local Energy Advice Sessions

Details from Scope

Scope, the disability equality charity, is launching a new Community Disability Energy Service Team, in partnership with gas distribution network Cadent. 

At Scope, they know life costs more for people with disabilities and not all can reduce their energy or water usage. Scope want to make sure that our disabled community know what options are available and can access to all the support they're entitled to.

The team of energy advisors will be delivering free, face to face sessions, providing practical support with reducing energy costs, energy efficiency, guidance on tariff switching, discounts and grants. They'll also be raising awareness on the importance of gas safety and can supply free carbon monoxide detectors to keep residents safe at home. 

 They'll be visiting the local places across Stockport to offer drop in advice sessions:

29 November, 10am - 12pm - Mottram Street Pantry 

30 November, 12pm - 2pm  - Brinnington Community Hub 

Starting Point: DigiKnow Events

Details from Starting Point

Further Events & Community Activities across the Borough

MS group exercises classes
Armed Forces Community Hub

Could You Drive For Stockport Car Scheme?

Details from Stockport Car Scheme

Stockport Car Scheme are always looking for volunteer drivers to take passengers with poor mobility to various places, whether it's a social group or visiting friends or family or shopping.  

  • Volunteers can give a few hours each week, either on a regular basis or it can vary  

  • Stockport Car Scheme pay all out of pocket expenses and pay 45p per mile to cover petrol and wear and tear.

For more information:

0161 472 2812

Training Courses Coming Up

There are a variety of training courses including those from from Skills For Life (SFL) and others. Please see the attachments below: 

Skills for life - Christmas arts and crafts
Princes' Trust Explore
Standguide - English course
Standguide - Maths course

Information and Signposting    

For up to date health and social care information, signposting and guidance call Healthwatch Stockport on 

0161 974 0753 10am - 2pm or email 

Visit our Information and Signposting directory 

 Do you have a health or social care experience you want to share – how did your last appointment with your GP or dentist go? Are you happy or frustrated with the service you received – let us know so we can work with local services to influence better commissioners and better outcomes for you and your family. 

Share your views