Upcoming Enter and View Programme: We Want Your Feedback!
Hospital Appointment Systems
Our first area of focus will be the systems used by hospitals to book your appointments. We want to hear about your experiences with the hospital booking systems and how information about your appointments is provided to you.
If you have any feedback, please share your thoughts with us. We will be creating a short survey that will be included in next week's 'Information Round Up' (IRU).
However, if you’d like to share your experience before then, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
GP Practices Accessibility
The second focus area will be on GP practices. We will be visiting various GP practices to observe the signage and information available to patients. Our goal is to ensure that these practices are catering to the needs of people requiring additional support, including those with learning disabilities, sensory loss, neurodiverse conditions, dementia, and other disabilities.
If you have any feedback regarding the accessibility of your GP practice, we would love to hear from you.
Giving Feedback:
You can share your feed back in the following ways:
To learn more about our Enter and View Programme and how you can get involved, please visit our website. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve healthcare services for everyone in Stockport. Thank you for your support!