IRU- Thursday 2nd February 2023
Welcome to this week's Information Round-up!
Remember if you want to receive the link weekly then you can sign up here and you will receive an email every week with the link as soon as it is public.
If you ever want to promote your work, event or you would like any information circulated please fill in the form here to have your information promoted.
Please feel free to share far and wide!
You can follow us on social media at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube.
Healthwatch Stockport GP Access Survey
We are into the final month of our ongoing survey on your experiences with accessing GP services in Stockport. If you have not completed the survey, it takes a few minutes to have your voice heard.
COVID-19 Clinic Update
The COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the One Stockport Hub in Mersey Square, SK1 1RA, will be open on the following dates:
- Saturday, 4 February, 9.30am to 3.30pm
- Saturday, 11 February, 9.30am to 3.30pm
It’s for those aged 11+ and eligible for first, second, booster or the autumn/winter booster. All Stockport vaccination options can be found on Stockport Council’s website.
NHS 111 online
From DigiKnow Digital Champion Weekly update:
Most people have heard of the NHS 111 phone line, but did you know this service may be faster and easier to use via the NHS 111 website? If you visit, you’ll be asked to enter your age, sex, postcode and main symptom. You are then asked a series of questions about your health problem. This can help you to find out how to get the right healthcare in your area, including whether you need to see a GP or seek urgent care, or advice on self-care. You can use the website on any internet connected device, including smart phones and tablets.
You can read more about all the routes to find the right health care at the right time in the ‘Winter Get to know where to Go’ leaflet. See it HERE. This useful leaflet has info on local mental health support, finding a dentist and guidance on when to go for GP or urgent care.
NHS 111 website is:
Stockport PANDAS upcoming groups
Upcoming groups can be found here:
Also see their social media posts for more information:
Stockport PANDAS (@stockport_pandas) Instagram
Holiday Activity Camps with Life Leisure
Who's ready for our Holiday Activity Camps!
We are running 5 days of camp from 20th - 24th February at three of our Life Leisure hubs:
▪️ Life Leisure Avondale - Multisports
▪️ Stockport Sports Village – Football
For full information, how to book, pricing, and how we can support children with SEND please go to our website:
Contact Life Leisure & see link above for more info.
Right to Remain toolkit
Message from Alison Rickett:
Please see the Right to Remain Tooolkit below.
Digital inclusion campaign: Social Tariffs
Message from Digiknow:
Do you work with people receiving benefits who are struggling to afford their broadband or phone? Social tariffs are cheaper broadband and phone packages for people on low incomes. They are available for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits, with some providers offering deals from as low as £15 a month. This could mean a saving of around £180 per year, which is over 50% less than the average cost of broadcast.
According to the regulator Ofcom’s latest survey, public awareness of ‘social tariffs’ is low, so we ask for your support now in driving understanding of these vital products as we continue to help people through the cost-of-living crisis. Find out more on Ofcom's website
Contact for more information.
Walking groups in Stockport
Changes to Open Door hours
Message from Sam Stockdale:
Open Door will be changing opening hours to 10am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday and 12pm – 5pm Saturday and Sunday.
This change in opening hours will allow Open Door to extend its remit by increasing the amount of staff available to see service users at our busiest times. We are also planning a programme of social activities on weekends, to reach those who may be socially isolated. More on this will be sent in due course.
If you have any questions about Open Door or the changes taking place feel free to send us an email or give us a call on 0161 549 9717 and leave a voicemail with your Name, Service and Contact Details.
We are also trialing a new 'urgent referrals' line, to ensure professionals can contact us if they want to discuss a referral or make an urgent appointment. The number is 07973 916065 and will be staffed during open door opening times.
Please contact Sam for the professionals referral form. (
New Heaton Norris Centre Timetable
Heaton Norris Community Centre have lots of events/activities coming up. Please see the attached document.
Starting Point sessions update
Message from James Wilson at Starting point:
There will be a new digital support session starting at Marple Library.
The first session will be on the 14th February and will then be every Tuesday 10-11am.
It is a drop-in session so there is no need to register. This is a library session run by Digital Champion volunteers, supported by Starting Point.
Starting Point staff are helping for the first 6-8 weeks to get them up and running. We will offer ‘behind the scenes’ technical support ongoing.
Bring your laptop or tablet and ask any questions you need help with. Library PC’s also available.
Support for filling in online forms or ‘getting a job done’ on the computer or come along to learn new skills. All levels of experience welcome.
Friendly session opens to everyone.
Our Tech and toast session at Lancashire Hill Community session has spaces.
This is also a warm space and is open to anybody.
The session runs every Wednesday 10-10am, 11am-12pm.
The Stockport Digital Lending Library now has smartphones with data.
If you have any clients that currently don’t have access to a suitable phone and/or data package, please refer them.
For a referral form, or if you have any further questions, please contact
For Healthwatch Stockport Members: Member Forum
This Member Forum is an opportunity to voice your views about health and social care in Stockport. We will also discuss our recent work, our strategy for the next three years and more ways that you can be involved with your local Healthwatch.
Members will be sent an invitation via email.
If you would like to become a member, please click here.
Asian Heritage Group
Message from Nadia Ali from Make a Difference:
The Asian Heritage group is back in a new venue and welcomes other communities to socialise, participate in activities and enjoy home cooked traditional Asian food for a small cost.
Every Wednesday 11:30am to 2:30pm (starting from the 8th February)
Heaton Norris Community Centre, Love Lane, SK4 1JA.
Skills for Life February sessions
Message from Christopher at Stockport Homes:
Anyone wanting more information or to book a place should contact us:
- Tel: 0161 474 2862
- Email:
- Visit: Skills for Life Plus (
Priority will be given to Stockport Homes’ customers.
Crochet, Knit and Craft groups
Calling all knitters, crocheters, and fiber artists.
We have a new location coming to our Library Crochet, Knit and Craft family!
Join in at Heald Green Library on Mondays from 1pm, starting 30 January, Just pop in!
Other locations and times can be found on the attached document.
For Healthwatch Stockport Members: Enter and View Training
With the relaunch of our Enter and view program, training will be provided for members who would like to be take part in this opportunity. if you have not yet expressed an interest and would like to be involved, please email the office on
If you would like to become a member, please click here.
Stockport Maternity Voices Partnership Surveys
The Stockport Maternity Voices Partnership have launched a new survey this week which is linked below. A link to the General Maternity Survey is also available.
Care Quality Commission
GMCVO Research eBulletin, January 2023
GM BAME Network eBulletin, January 2023
Stockport Council
Mapping free wifi in Stockport
Stockport Market crowned Best Small Indoor Market 2023
Community Grants for Walking and Cycling
NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Networks January Newsletter
National Kidney Federation
Diabetes and Eye Health: What You Need to Know
Department of Health and Care
Manchester Evening News
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situational Report - 25th January 2023
GM VCSE Leadership Group eBulletin: January 2023
Health Security Agency
National norovirus and rotavirus report: data to week 2 (15 January 2023)
COVID-19 vaccination programme for 2023: JCVI interim advice
Signpost for Carers Stockport
January Newsletter 'Working and Caring'
Information and Signposting
For up to date health and social care information, signposting and guidance call Healthwatch Stockport on
0161 974 0753 10am - 2pm or email
Visit our Information and Signposting directory
Do you have a health or social care experience you want to share – how did your last appointment with your GP or dentist go? Are you happy or frustrated with the service you received – let us know so we can work with local services to influence better commissioners and better outcomes for you and your family.