Pop Up Vaccination Clinics For 12-15 Year Olds in Stockport
News Release from NHS Stockport CCG
If your 12-15 year old child is being educated outside local authority schools through home schooling or is distance learning, COVID-19 pop up clinics have been arranged so they can get vaccinated.
The clinics will take place at Trinity Methodist Church, Trinity Gardens, 351 Bramhall Lane, SK3 8TP, on Monday, 25 October and Wednesday, 27 October, from 8.30am – 4.30pm.
The 12-15 year olds are being offered one dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Letters and consent forms have been sent out to households, but consent forms will also be available at the clinics to complete on the day.
School children who have missed their planned appointment in their school due to a number of reasons such as illness or absence can also attend the clinics. The vaccination programme in Stockport schools is continuing after the half term break and wherever possible children are asked to have their vaccination in school.
The School Nursing Service at NHS Stockport Foundation Trust is delivering the sessions which have been organised by Stockport Council and supported by Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Dr Cath Munro, Chair of Stockport CCG, said: “Vaccinating 12-15 olds will give improved protection for whole families. Remember Covid is still here and by getting the vaccination you are protecting yourself, your family and your friends from getting seriously ill and reducing the risk of suffering from the effects of Long Covid.”
Frances Jackson, Service Lead for School Nursing, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, said “Stockport still has a very high number of Covid cases. The rate is especially high in the 10-19yr age group which covers secondary school age children, so it’s really important that young people take up the offer of a Covid vaccination from their school.”
Councillor Colin Foster, Stockport Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Family Services and Education, said: “If you are home schooling your child, then please take them to these two pop up clinics. We advise other children to get vaccinated at their own school. It will be beneficial in helping prevent further disruption to their education, which they have all faced over the past 18 months of the pandemic.”
Parents can contact the School Nursing Service for advice and support about the vaccination programme on 0161 474 5912.
Children can contact a text-based service, ChatHealth, on 07480 635227, where they can chat with a school nurse for confidential advice and support. This is not limited to questions about the vaccine.