What is the Lived Experience Network?

Our Lived Experience Network is our ‘go to’ network of groups and individuals. They want to help shape better health and care services by providing their feedback on what truly matters to them when using local health and care services.

The Network unites community groups, patient groups, care groups and individuals who live with, care for, or support others with health or social care conditions. These conditions include long-term illnesses or disabilities such as dementia, hearing loss, ME, mental health issues, diabetes, and more.

Members of the Network often have firsthand experience of the challenges in accessing services or receiving appropriate care for their own or their loved one’s conditions.

Why has the Lived Experience Network been set up?

We believe we can tackle the biggest health challenges in our communities by working together with you to identify, design and deliver new solutions.

The Network acts as a space where we can connect communities and provide opportunities to make sure your knowledge, experience and views are heard and shape improvement in health and care that will benefit us all. Your feedback makes a huge difference.

"We know that if health and care services make decisions without involving those affected by them, the outcomes are likely to be less effective."

What Happens When I/We Join the Lived Experience Network?

Once you or your group become a Network member, we will contact you to discuss how you would like to be further involved. We can also visit your group to learn more about you and your experiences.

From there, we will keep you informed about the projects/themes we are working on and how you can contribute.

There will be opportunities to collaborate on projects and/or raise your issues with key decision makers in the health and care system.

How Do I/We Join?

If you are passionate about working better together to improve health and social care and make sure the voice of local people and communities are heard, contact us and explore how you or your group can become part of our Lived Experience Network. 

Joining the Lived Experience Network will mean:

  • Being involved as much or as little as you would like
  • Being part of a united and stronger collective voice
  • Working together to pool your knowledge and expertise
  • Championing equality, diversity and inclusivity
  • Being kept up to date with Healthwatch Stockport news and key projects

To join, all we ask is that you: 

  • Are passionate about improving health and social care for all
  • Commit some time voluntarily to undertake activities of the Panel or Network 
  • Come together once or twice a year as a network 
  • Take an active role alongside us and health and care professionals in improving quality of services 
  • Share experiences and represent the different views and diversity of those using the services

We'd love for you to share this opportunity. We've included a downloadable leaflet that you can email and /or print. 

Lived Experience Leaflet

Contact Us:

To join our Network, get in touch with the Healthwatch Stockport Team: 


0161 974 0753