Survey round up - August 2020
A list of surveys that are now open
Nominate a community hero
Now that our survey 'Your Story during lock-down' has closed we are now compiling a report on our findings.
We thought it was important that we left our nominate a community hero survey open. We have had over 30 recommendations for people that have gone above and beyond in their community.
If you feel like you know of a unsung hero in your community please take our short survey and let us know who they are and why. We will be arranging a day where we celebrate all Covid-19 community heroes!
#BecauseWeAllCare Campaign
For services to change, they need to hear from you. Share your experiences of health and social care, and encourages others to do the same, so that our NHS and social care services can spot issues and know how to improve.
It only takes 5 minutes to complete our short, confidential survey.
We are working with Healthwatch England and the Care Quality Commission on this campaign.
There is no closing date on this survey.
Forward LGBT+ and Nexus Covid-19 Experience Survey
Tina Carnally (Forward LGBT+) & Aba Graham (Nexus Stockport) have developed a survey to help local organisations to understand how COVID-19 is affecting our communities. The answers are anonymous and WILL be shared in order to shape current and future services.
There is no current closing date for this survey.
This survey is now closed.
One Stockport Covid-19 Survey
Stockport Council and NHS Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group want to know how COVID-19 has affected our communities.
They would like you to tell them how your lives have changed and how you have felt moving out of lockdown.
They will then use the information you have provided to them in their recovery planning to ensure they have listened to our communities whilst building back a better Stockport.
This survey will run all through August and end on the 7th September.
This survey is now closed.
Your Story During Lock-down - Easy Read Version
We have now closed our survey 'Your Story during lock-down' but we have an easy read version still live with less questions for anyone with learning difficulties.
this survey is now closed.