Member Profile: John Leach
Healthwatch Stockport would like to thank all our wonderful volunteer members who so often put themselves forward to supporting and contributing to the Healthwatch Stockport work programme, without our members we would not be able to function and undertake the work that we do. In this blog series we will ask questions to our valued members and let you know a little bit more about their story and why they have got involved with Healthwatch Stockport. If you aren’t already a member you can become a member below and see our volunteering opportunities.
This episode we look at: John Leach
John Leach previously sat as LINk Chair for over 4 years and led the organisation through the transition to Healthwatch. Prior to his involvement in LINk, John was a member of the Stockport Branch of Patient and Public Involvement in Health for 3½ years. John is your representative on the Stockport Health & Wellbeing Board.
Why did you get involved with Healthwatch Stockport?
How long have you been involved with Healthwatch Stockport?
Gracious me, 13 or 14 years involved in patient and public involvement.
What is the best thing about Healthwatch Stockport?
The best thing is that Healthwatch Stockport have opened up the eyes of people. The people involved with Healthwatch are very uplifting and it really helps lift up my spirit as the people are genuine and honest.
What could be improved?
I feel like we could do a lot more if there was more financial input.
Do you belong to any other organisations or groups other than Healthwatch Stockport?
I am a member of the Cheadle Lacrosse Club, I started playing in 1948 and eventually became an international referee. Lacrosse is a great game, I have many friends from all over the world just from lacrosse, I was heavily involved in lacrosse becoming big in Germany. The protection is a lot better now.
When not involved in other clubs what do you like to do?
I really like to read and listen to jazz. When I was 15 I really liked to listen to New Orleans Jazz, now I like to listen to Count Basie (Big Band). With the books, I am very interested in history books especially Roman occupation of Britain after Caesar invaded and also the pre-history of America before Columbus.
What is your favourite meal?
A nice roast, maybe lamb.
Can you sing and whats your karaoke song?
Oh no!
If you had a Health & Social Care Magic Wand – what would you wish for?
I think proper care for the elderly and the more vulnerable. I think there is insufficient work in schools and it really needs to be looked at.