New videos explain who we are and what we do

Do you know what Healthwatch does and how we can help you? Want to know what we do with your feedback, or how you can help improve health and social care services? Watch the videos below to find out more...

Healthwatch Stockport is your local and independent health and care champion. To us, you come first, especially if you find it hard to be heard elsewhere. 

We strive for better care and act on your feedback to drive change. We have the power to ensure that decision makers hear and act on your views to improve the quality of care for us all.

We also help you to get the advice and information you need so you receive the support you deserve.

Who are Healthwatch?

Video file

How Healthwatch can help you with health advice and information

Video file

How sharing your healthcare experiences can help everyone

Video file

Share your feedback

We want to hear from you! You can contact us on Monday to Thursday, 10am - 2pm by phone or email, or you can complete a form on our website to share your views and experience.

Call: 0161 974 0753


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