While You Wait - Waiting for Hospital Treatment

While You Wait is one of our strategic priorities for the year. On this page you can find out more information about the While You Wait website and also learn about the work we are doing around system restoration.

Millions of people have had their treatment delayed by the pandemic – are you one of them? We want to know if you’re getting the advice, information and support you need while you wait.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people having their operations, treatment and appointments cancelled or delayed to free up inpatient and critical care capacity.

While this helped medical staff respond to the crisis, it has resulted in a huge backlog of people waiting for treatment.

The latest data shows that the number of people waiting for routine operations and procedures in England is at its highest level since 2007 – currently at 5.45 million.

What could be improved?

At Healthwatch Stockport we know that not everyone is getting the help they need while they wait for care. That’s why as part of a national Healthwatch campaign we have launched a survey to understand your experiences.

Everything you tell us is confidential and will help us, the NHS and its partners understand what needs to be put in place to better support people like you. So, whether it’s gynaecological surgery, a knee replacement, mental health treatment, or a biopsy you’re waiting for, if you’ve got a story to tell, we want to hear it.

[Survey now closed]

While You Wait website

We have also been involved in helping shape the Greater Manchester While You Wait website While You Wait for Hospital Treatment which provides further information and advice, along with handy resources, to help you manage your physical and mental wellbeing while waiting for hospital care.

Visit the While You Wait website

Neisha's Journey

Neisha is one of our Lived Experience Panel (LEP) members also a retired Health Visitor and has a keen interest in ensuring feedback provides better care for everyone. 

Neisha has recently been waiting for a knee replacement, we are pleased to say, following an appointment, Neisha has had her knee replacement and will be keeping us updated for the next few months on how her journey has been. 

We wish Neisha all the very best with her recovery, if you would like to hear more about Neisha's Journey, you can follow her by receiving our monthly e-Bulletin.


Are you waiting for an operation?  Has it been delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic? Would you be willing to share your story with us? We would love to hear from you. You can contact the office 0161 974 0753 or email our info box at info@healthwatchstockport.co.uk

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